Thursday, July 10, 2008

Soybean Orchids

Two pictures to the right here I took yesterday of soybeans that are surprisingly knee high to a six foot guy and blooming like crazy too.....Notice the blooms at close examination they are a perfect orchid very small and delicate but no less a beautiful flower....So beautiful that honey bees can not resist the temptation to harvest what they can from these little flowers. Then as they move around from delicious morsel to another, they carry polin on their feet from one flower to the next and thus they get polinated and bingo a pod is formed and soon 2, 3 or 4 soybeans are growing inside that pod...multiply that by maybe 70 pods on each plant times maybe 180,000 plants per acre and as the combine moves through the field at harvest a fair amount of valuable beans are entering the hopper to the delight of the farmer aka Happy Hoosier, now looking happier every week as this growing season progresses. Life is good....

Sex in the soybean field is kind of shall we say "average" or better than none at all, but hang on the corn will be more exciting, I promise...On my way to Mulberry yesterday to visit my sister Flo in the nursing home I drove by a field near the Wildcat Creek that had sex happening...I tried not to look and kept my eyes on the road and got by it as quick as I could...I want to save that experience for my own field of corn...we will walk through it together, but anyway it is starting and will continue until every field has said aahh many times.....

Well speaking of sex, I see in the news where Jesse Jackson wants to smash the pollen packets on our candidate Barack how could such a nice man even think such a thing let alone say it...I suppose with those words Jesse has snuffed out any chance of being President Hussien Obama's Religous counsel....And if he wins that will blow Jesse's old line of the playing field "not being level", for blacks...Maybe that is why he wants to smash the guys brains....

Well here I go again with politics, sorry, ok it is a beautiful day in Indiana and I think most all places where this blog may be read today. Whatever field you are in corn, beans, wheat, finance, healthcare, retirement whatever have a great productive day...walk slow and drink lots of water and enjoy the sunset.....

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