Friday, July 18, 2008

I voted today for America

Does not make me a hero maybe a Patriot, and I do not put down those of you who exercise a right to purchase an imported auto. Many have died to insure that right for us to choose and to insure our freedoms. But today I did purchase a new Silverado Chevy Truck that is flat towable behind my motor home, and it has the "FlexFuel" engine that will allow me to vote for the "Midwest Corn Farmers", and America's Enery Independance each and everytime I fuel this truck...If the price of E85 is 15% or more less than Regular gasoline, I will buy the E85 and smile while doing so.

Before I left Naples in March I was captured by how cute the MINI Cooper Convertible's were down there running around in traffic...I told myself to forget the Patrotism stuff and get the fun car and have fun...I almost did I did love driving the little bugger, but they did want about 30 grand for it so I paused. While I was paused I found that it is not under warranty if I flat tow this car. Reality then set in when I looked myself dead in the eye and said your going to pay 30 grand for a car that will void your warranty and also send some money overseas...

That affair ended that day and I then turned to an drove a Pontiac G6 Hardtop Convertible and it was fun but also about the same money...Was flat towable but had almost zero trunk space, because the hardtop folds down into the car where a trunk would be. And did have a back seat for two people if your freinds were midgets.....or children maybe. And did not burn E85 fuel.

Not to put little people down...I love that show about little people on TV...And I did not coin those words, they were given to me by a car dealer I know in Cold Water Michigan....who tried hard to almost give me one over his cost...And he also sells GMC trucks which I could have purchased and it is the same truck, I know that but it has been a long time since I have owned a Chevy and I just wanted to do that, and now I do...Jim I am sure that next winter while enjoying the fruit of the vine you will have some reason why a GMC Script would have looked better on my truck there in Naples, than the Chevy Logo, sure you will...And it may take several bottles before we get past this, but we will...ha

So here I am in a nice four door Chevy truck instead of a flashy convertible...Gosh it was tempting but reality finally set in...I can now ditch fish along 41 south of Naples from the bed of my truck, can have my poles, my cooler of ice for fish and beer, and my favorite lawn chair, and all the while will not have my life threatened by those dam 12 foot gators that were 5 feet from me in a previous story I wrote before I said the hell with this, and through in the towel that fine day. I will most likely have my .45 Colt handy just in case they decide to bite my tires, it would not take a lot to prove I was being threatened and open up on those dam oversized lizards, yes it would do my heart good....They are beyond a doubt becoming increasingly overpopulated and aggressive as the food supply for them decreases...not good...

And so my fellow Americans, I can not help but still hear the words of JFK saying ask not what America can do for you but rather ask what you can do for America, well today I did it, I voted for General Motors, Chevrolet, Ethanol and I voted against money being sent overseas for auto's and oil.......

Another story for another day but I am invested in three Ethanol Refinery Corporations and I knew the road would be rocky but my moment of truth when I decided to do so, was that I had never fought in combat for this nation, never lost blood or limb and these investment were going to be my dues that need paid, win or lose....Right now we are loosing, Corn is too dam expensive, and my stock is worth half what I paid...I have no regrets, I did it for America.....A corn farmer saying corn is too dam expensive...never thought I would ever hear that or let alone say it......Come back tomorrow I think we will be talking sex again soon....

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