Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'll get a grip soon....

Some of you are probably wondering what happened here the last couple days. The calm collect blogger has gone political all of a sudden...I am aware of the dangers of boring you with retoric that you hear all day long on other media's. So will get this off my chest quick and then move on to the good old stuff we like...

I have added some good reads if you have time over to the right...if you like hot topics like that there they are if not leave them lie...I will keep that current for those who enjoy but mostly that is where the political will be...On this side of the page we will stay with swimming holes, skinny dippin, sex in the corn fields, grand kids goings on, pullin weeds, cultivating sweet pea, stuff that really counts and has meaning and huge consequenses on the world around us, important don't fear were still in charge here and this blog will stay ground zero for "whats happenin now" and that will keep you coming back not the triviling of Barack Obama...

We will get a grip....

May head out to the corn field with the camera today...I got to think that puberty has set in or is close out there...I pulled a tassle yesterday and there were 3 leaves to unroll yet before sex can happen so stay tuned....but with these rains that happend again last night when it happens its gonna be a good one....hang on...

OH and don't forget to vote over to the right please if you have not...I had 51 hits yesterday on this blog and only 17 took the time to vote so please practice your right to vote even here on this blog....Only one vote for Barack so far and it was my sister, she is so darn politically challenged, I don't know what happened but I am concerned and working with her...other than that she is wonderful.... Oh my heavens I now see an Obama promotion ad on my google ads...I bet sis had something to do with that maybe, good grief that puts me on his payroll...

And pan down a little farther and do the Lucas Cole test I think this is the last day on that one....

Have a good one...

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