Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If you are in Indiana..."BE THERE"

By Jack Lahrman

Many wonderful things and people have crossed my life this past, soon be 16 months, since losing my wife of 29 years to the monster cancer. It is becoming fun again to awake each day and see what happens between sun up and sun down. One of those things was attending a open air church service in Naples Florida last winter where they honored veterans, and one of those people was the guest speaker, A Marine’s Marine Randy Kington. Randy like a lot of others answered his nations call for service in Viet Nam. Randy will tell you rivoting stories of his Marine experience and about the battle that almost cost him his life and did paralyze him from the waist down and put him into a wheel chair for life. He met His God on that battle field. He delivers the most uplifting message about his Nation, His God and His Marine Corps that I have ever heard bar none. Randy claims the nation has met every need he and his beautiful wife Patty (his angel) have ever had. If you know of anyone who is challenged in life in any way, (aren’t we all?) please try and get them to attend and hear this man’s inspiring uplifting message. You will be totally blessed.
1100 people were there at that worship service, and when he finished his 20 minute talk everyone was on their feet applauding and honoring this man for who he was, and for what he had just said to them. I would guess about a third of them were in line after the service to purchase his book “What A Life” that he wrote about 6 years ago. Over 100 were in line when they ran out of books. I had met Randy and his wife Patty briefly at a Country Club meeting of the Naples Marine Corps League. I enjoyed standing about 30 feet away and watching him sign the books and talk to people and shake their hands. You all know the talent our Pastor John has of remembering names, well this guy has the same talent. He caught me watching out the corner of his eye while he was conversing with a couple, and said “hey Jack”, and continued that conversation never missing a beat. Randy will also capture your heart and interest equally if you are among the fortunate who attend these services Aug 17th and 18th.
That day I wanted more than anything for my friends and family and the people of my Dayton Methodist Church to hear the inspiring message this man delivers…..
Don’t even think about it just “be there”……….and bring friends…..

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