Monday, July 7, 2008

Is this the year of the "EASY RAIN"?

I think it is, I am dubbing this the year of the "EASY RAIN", yes it is...

It is July 7th and I wake up to a gorgeous million dollar rain, the corn is approaching the tassle period when it throws it pollen. The plants have had easy rains the past few days when they decide how conditions are out there. They have decided now for sure to affix an ear or ears, with a high number of rows of kernals on each ear....In excellent conditions the plants will produce ears with as many as 22 rows of kernals around the cob...on stress full years the plants will sense that and maybe have 16 or 14 or even as low as 12 rows of kernals....

It will also decide soon or already has how many kernals it will produce in each row. Maybe as many as 50 or more on good years and as low as 30 or less on stressful years. This gorgeous rain this morning will leave little doubt for the brain mechanism that God gave these plants to "not hold back and go for it".....

It is said that one can not get too much rain in July and August the months that make the crops that we will harvest this fall...we are off to a grand start...Let is see where this all goes...Sure you can sense that this farmer is somewhat optomistic this day early in July.....

And as I set here vary thankful, I notice in the rainbow picture you can see the second rainbow close to that big tree..And that one is definately landing on Charley's house,..have a great day..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the beautiful rainbow picture. I really enjoy reading your comments!