Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wesley Putnam

Today I want to introduce you to one of my favorite people. His name is Wes Putnam, he is an evangelist and probably the very best evangelist that I have met. He is good because he tells Bible Happenings in story form and he does it so well. He is sincere and he is humorous and he is the real McCoy. Linda and I liked him a lot and we support his ministry financially. I will continue to do that because what this man says "rings true" to me. It is interesting how God brings people into your life. You see one of our Dayton Churches Daughters went off to Bible College. Her name was Holly Null and she met the son of this evangelist who also was attending the college...Her name is now Holly Putnam and who should she talk into coming to our church to preach years ago none other than her father in law this great evangelist. So thus it happens, We helped in a small way with Holly's tuition to college through our church's college fund, and the pay back came, as she turned out to be such a great mother and Christian lady, and the icing on the cake then was Wes Putnam visiting our church periodically and bringing us his God given talent of telling the true stories of the Bible in such a way that we of this age can completely relate to what was happening then and what is similarly happening in our own age.

I have to ask you to stay with me here for a half hour, if you don't have that come back when you do have as you need to watch the video that I have of him telling the story of Elijah as seen through the eyes of a Brooklyn Cop....

But first visit his web site and see his picture and read a little of his ministry. Now my blog does not highlight web sites so you will need to cut and paste these web addresses into your brouser.. come on now you can do that just highlight all of it. Hit control C and then go to your web brouser and hit control V and you will have it after you hit enter.

Then click on this site and watch this good humorous video as it does not only tell the story of the world then, but I think you will see the similarities of today. After you are on the site it is a 3 part series to get the whole message in so after part one you need to move down and click part 2 and then part 3 and it takes maybe 20 minutes to watch it all...But I think you will enjoy and profit from a visit from my freind Wesley Putnam....

And while you enjoy I will be attempting to replant a few soy beans that have just been too wet to emerge well...So today maybe I am planting soy seeds and seeds of faith that will both benefit us all....see ya.

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