Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh my Gosh what have I have done?

Well here we are, Day four of this venture, it is Super Tuesday today, and being a Hoosier all we get to do is watch. See we don't vote until May. Hoosiers, they (in case your not a basketball fan) are people who reside in Indiana or some lucky ones who are legal in Indiana but are guest of other places like Florida, Texas, Arizon and other places where the sun shines in the winter. Sorry getting back on track here, Hoosiers well we don't like to make mistakes, so what we do is hold our primary late enough that the choices are pretty much made, and then we can just say AMEN...and yes we picked the winner....Could we say Hindsight Hoosiers?

I purchased Photoshop for my computer a week ago. As you may notice the picture of the author doing research way back in the 40's needs work.. A man with photoshop should not be caught dead posting a picture like that....Some day I will learn how to work photoshop and I will be able to fix that. Maybe. But first I had to just get photoshop to work, I downloaded it and tried to launch it and it crashed..So after a day of depression I thought to myself I don't have to put up with this stuff I will call the help people and get this puppy fixed.

Well the first guy worked with me and discovered he did not think maybe we could fix it, so he made another user in my computer by just my first name and not both...Now I was two users...So we put photo shop over there and wow it worked and then he said, "you can call Dell.com and find out how to transfer all your stuff like your pictures and the rest of my life from your both names account to your first name account". I even said thank you sir.

OK I said I guess that if that is what photoshop is all about I better get on it...
But 15 minutes later photo shop in my one name account crashed also. Sending me reeling to say the least...yesterday I think I finally got the right guy and the genius actually fixed photo shop in the two name account where my life is, and to top it all off, he even helped me get totally rid of that one name account that I was really dreading to deal with on a daily basis.

So here we are its still Super Tuesday morning and am sure will be another perfect day in Paradise AKA Southwest Florida. I hope Gov. Huckabee does OK today. I like the guy he is refreshing I think. I think he is an honest to goodness Christian and to be quite frank I think he would be a good President and Commander in Chief of our armed forces. So Huck I wish you well today......And all you voters out there who actually get to decide who our candidates will be (not Hoosiers)I wish you wisdom and I wish you a wave of Patriotism that will carry you to the polls and casting your votes.

I must acknowledge here my readership is small but I appreciate all of you and I hope you will figure out how to leave a comment now and then as I do need input. I know it can be done; as my fisty challenging daughter when she was young, left me one behind my first days effort. So you all just may need some encouragement out there about how much I need all of you to make this work. Four days does not a blogger make, and although it has been my dream since 1942, that I could someday be one, I admit I am but a blemish on a good bloggers butt, but never the less I be bloggin....So Hi out there to my family, my sibs, Larry, Joe, Peggy my writing club here in Paradise, my fellow Marines across this great land, especially the members of the Honor Platoon 3002/SD/1956 and the Marine members of TWS, my loyal,loving and tolerant email address book, you know who you are....and even S.P. hi to even you.

Ok another day another dollar tomorrow I promise to write something worthwhile....

1 comment:

posthouse said...

I encourage you to keep this up, because journaling is great for the soul! I see I got an honorable mention in your blog, for your fisty daughter huh? I bet you always said under your breath, "I hope she has one just like her." Well, that explains why God had me birth my identical twin Sophie...oh Lord, my days ahead are going to be very very trying to say the least. Well, she probably won't get by with 1/2 the stuff, I did, since I know all the tricks! ha..and the SP, at the end of your blog, is that me or Sharla???? ha...just kidding, I already know who! Keep on blogging Dad! love, Suz