Saturday, February 9, 2008

Never to Forget 28 years 3 months

See the picture to the right tonight. It represents 28 years and 3 months of my life with my sweetie.......I almost sold her wedding ring with some other gold rings that she wanted me to sell for her and donate all the money to one of her favored ministries. But something at the last minute said "don't do it", and I am so glad I did not. I even thought of selling mine along with it.

This idea came to me as my plane touched down in Indy coming home for Christmas. From where I am not sure, but it came in a flash, and I spent my first two days at home searching for this way to display our rings...I was looking for Gaudy, you know too big, to overpowering, the way men like to do things. Could not find gaudy anywhere, and had to settle for "just right". God I think takes care of me sometimes like that. Any way RAMZ exchange in Lafayette had this, and worked with me linking our wedding rings and hanging below a silver jet representing the one we flew together on out of the Purdue airport on Jan. 12, 1979. I, a few years back wrote a story about that meeting titled, "Love was in the Air". I will post it here all four chapters one day ahead for you to read. So in my little gold and silver rememberance tribute it has an inscription at the bottom saying the same.

I will alway cherish it, and keep it displayed as it represents a very happy era that I was blessed to have had...She arrived on the 12th of January at 3:45 in the afternoon 1979. We married one year to the minute later, and then she left me on the 12th of April last spring. But I know where she is an she is safe and happy for eternity now....

Saw a great movie today titled '27 dresses". Got in free for a blood donation at the Hollywood 20 on Airport Road...It was a fun happy movie, couple tears but mostly lots of laughs. Highly recommend it even for you really tough guys out there...You can handle it, just take a small tissue, wad it in your hand and no one will even know...Be going to the "church of what's happening now" on the isle of Capri tomorrow and hope you all will go somewhere.....Your soul needs a good meal....

Happy Hoosier

1 comment:

JP said...

Hi UJ good job with the blog and I love the display of your's and sweeties rings!!!

Keep on bloggin and I'll keep on readin