Monday, February 18, 2008

A Marines Marine......

Gosh its Monday, what to write about today…Well lets do this I will tell you what I intend to write about some day soon…I went to a open air church service yesterday in down town Naples…I had met a very impressive Marine and his wife at a Marine Corps League dinner a couple weeks back…I heard he would be talking at a church service and more or less invited myself to attend…he told me where it was and I had this vision of a wooden little church with 50 people and my new friend Randy Kington up there setting in his wheel chair talking to them about whatever he was going to say…I did not even take my camera so no pictures to share but I will get some later….But anyway I get there to this Park in down town Naples and people are arriving and taking every available parking place and all walking in droves toward this park…I am thinking what the heck is going on here….There is this huge amphitheater setting under a nice wooded area and people setting ever where in chairs facing the stage…1100 people they finally said were there…And there on the stage in his wheel chair was my new friend Randy in his dress blues with a half dozen pretty darn impressive medals on his chest…he was setting patiently off to the side waiting his turn….I found a seat and sat there saying you dummy, no camera but my eyes took lots of pictures and yes I should wait until I finish his book I am reading and I should wait till I have pictures of this man and his lovely wife but I am not one to wait….
And I am not going to make this long right now…I have a dinner date with Randy and Patty Kington this Tuesday evening and I will then know them better… I will have finished his book I am reading by then. Then I will write more about this couple and this Book called “what a life” how the Vietnam war affected one Marine…by Randy Kington…..
All I want to say right now is when he was introduced he rolled his wheel chair front and center and he delivered a message about the Marine Corps and his Savior Jesus Christ that was a very moving event. About how both changed his life and brought them to where they are today….I hope to by hook or by crook bring this man to speak at my church someday back in Dayton Indiana and I hope that anyone reading this today If you ever get invited to hear this message from this man, that you will drop whatever and go hear it….
So that is all for today but some day not too distant future I want to tell you about a Marine’s Marine by the name of Randy and his angel that God sent to him named Patty….Randy claims in his talk that the country has been so good to him after he took that bullet and lost control of his body from the waist down even claiming uncle sam even provided a wife…as he met her in a hospital he was in…But I know only God sends angels….we will do this justice later on have a good one today….


Jack aka Happy Hoosier…..

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