Thursday, April 17, 2008


Update on my Grandson Lucas B. Cole Sgt. US Army in Iraq.....
Lucas is probably not real happy about this, but it looks like his brains and knowledge of mine detecting equipment is pulling him off of direct contact with the enemy. Other than the incoming mortors that could blow you to smithereens in a mega second, it seems Lucas's safety percentage has went way up. Maybe not his choice but surely good news for his Grandpa and others....

My daughter Sherry's update below......

Suzette asked me today to send an update on Lucas. I don’t have much to tell you as he has very little access to the internet or satellite phones and I have only been able to catch him online one time since he arrived in Iraq.

He was able to call Mindy about a week ago and talked for 8 minutes before the phone went dead. He told her that he has been moved back into the technology and electronics area and will not be doing the conveys as first planned. He said they didn’t have enough soldiers there working on the warfare equipment so he got pulled. He also told her that he is working 16 hour days without a day off. He said his workload is enough for 3-4 people, so I guess he is very busy. He told her that Camp Anaconda is a very big place, that they ride buses to get from one side to the other. They have incoming activity daily.

This week he was traveling to Baghdad to a school. He was concerned about traveling as the US had several casualties in this area last week.

We thank you for your prayers for his safety. We hope that Lucas is feeling protected and safe as we are certainly showering him with prayers from many families and our churches. Mindy and Monica pay visits to his house and pick up the mail almost daily. I am the chief bill payer and manager of his finances. We will be going over for a spring outside spruce up at his house in a few weeks and putting down some mulch and so on. If anyone would like to help out with that you are certainly invited. It would be fun to send him some pictures of a group of relatives at his house taking care of what he is so proud of. Let us know if you are available on a Saturday or Sunday.

His two motorcycles might need a spin around the block too.

Well, I am sorry I don’t have more to say. I hope once he gets settled into a shop where he will be working he will be able to communicate more with us. Until then, we patiently wait and hope to hear something from him.

Snail mail is the greatest to a soldier away from home. If you have time to drop him a card or letter, please send it to:

SGT Cole, Lucas B.
TF 1-293 INF TMC
OIF 08-10
APO AE 09391

The Mom

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