Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let's raise taxes, yes indeed.(251)

Been thinking about the Bush tax cuts that the Democrats want to let expire...I think it probably is the best thing to do...I think for too long we have had way to much services and benefits that we kid ourselves, wink, look the other way and pass the bill onto our grandchildren...I think it best we bring that to an end as soon as possible. Getting kind of tired of the argument about lower taxes means jobs, I think that reteric is getting a bit tired. I say lets let Reagan rest in peace and proceed from here all by ourselves.

I am convinced that the best way to get this excessive spending to stop is to "pay for it". Pay for it as we go instead of cutting taxes, winking and keep on spending and saying we are shifting the debt to our children. I really believe that to 'pay as we spend', will be the best way to control spending. I guess the best example of that is to look at our own personal experiences about spending. When we whip out the credit card it is so easy to just go ahead and get maybe a few more things we may like. But when we have to produce the cash, we start to weigh things a bit more and conserve as to what we want and what we actually really need. I really believe it could work the same for us as a nation. When we know our taxes are going up we will maybe watch what our leaders are doing, what they are spending money on a lot more than we have in the past.

Because for years now, we cut taxes, go further into debt, wink, smile at each other and say life is good...well it is not good so let us wake up here and face the music.

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