Wednesday, July 21, 2010

County Fair Week in Indiana (250)

Probably the biggest funnest week of the summer except for maybe the family vacation, Fair week is happening in many counties across the land. Tippecanoe County is no exception this week and I spent a portion of two days hanging there watching grand kids show goats and pigs. Now comes the hard part and that is parting with the animals on Friday night at the auction..Pay day for the grandkids but some take this pretty hard giving up these pets and knowing what lies ahead for them...In the old days of my farm kid life we never gave it much thought..Because we seen hundreds of chickens pigs cattle all go to market that is how our parents got paid for the hard was smiles when the truck rolled out the gate, but for these small suburbanite country kids it's understandable a little different, they get attached to these critters...

Goats have gotten really popular in our county...when I was in 4-H there may have been a half dozen goats if there was they showed goats all morning long. I know there are more goats in Tippecanoe county than current Obama supporters, without a doubt...Especially with the white house currently caught up in trying to decide who is and what is racial these day and trying to lay it at the door of the T-party movement. So goats prevail here for sure...they are cute, my son's two daughter each had one this year...they followed them around the yard when they would go into their play house the goats would just jump through the windows to join them. They are very cute and they do kind of grow on a kid I was under the impression goats were dirty and stinky and who in their right mind would ever even want one...Now they are everywhere and as mentioned even more prolific than Obama democrats for sure.

So good luck to Caulin Post and Brook and Haylee Lahrman hope you get lots of money for your animals and the so long's are manageable...Next year will roll around and you can do it all again...

For me my therapy went well today..My knee is just getting sexier every day that goes buy...The swelling is almost gone...completely gone when I wake up in the morning...why they look almost alike but then as the day wears on the wounded knee starts to get a little fatter and looses the nice looks it had when I rolled out of helps but I am usually too busy or too lazy to apply it...I am headed for a 7 mile bike ride as soon as I hit he Publish Post button here, maybe when I get back I will have the wisdom to ice it down...

Tomorrow we roll for Lexington and the Social Event of the season...well maybe not come to think of it my grand son Clinton had a great wedding just a couple months back...maybe that was the social event of my season...I will decide later I guess...well one thing for sure this will be the social event of my new knee's season.....Where's my bike its time to "Saddle Up"......

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