Friday, July 16, 2010

Jill's big Wedding and Starfruit (249)

Jill Sims seen to the right here reminded us today on facebook that there is only 8 more days till her big wedding date July 24th...Seen in this picture at a recent shower in her honor in Lexington where the wedding will be held....Jill will be beautiful bride...Marrying Mathew Tutt a handsome practicing Doctor in Lexington as well...Or at least will be when they return from a great honeymoon east of the Atlantic Ocean. It should be at least for me the "social event of the season", no doubt the largest wedding I may ever attend...
Off to the left of the picture is her mother otherwise known in these pages as 'sweet pea', now you know where Miss Sims gets here gorgeous good looks, and what keeps this old horsey at least 'trotting'....oh by the way the wedding reception is being held at the race track there in Lexington...should be quite a day...They are a very attractive couple and I know Susan is planning on them being fabulous parents some day ahead. Click on the title so go to their personal website.....

Off to the far right you will see a picture of the starfruit I grew this past year on my little 35 foot wide piece of Florida sand...Now today I received this picture from George Main my neighbor across the street...George also has a even larger Carambola tree which is the real name for starfruit...Anyway I am not going to spend a lot of ink on this as I see not too long ago I did a story about it and maybe used the same picture...this is what happens as people age, so get used to it...

And as an update for those of you following my rehab about my new knee...
Yesterday I road my bike on a 7 mile loop and did real well...should have iced it when I got home but I time I will, again this is what happens as we age...but went to rehab today, my man John told me I was doing well...I did have to beg off on some of the one leg lifts he tried to get me to do...I should never have told him I was 65, sometimes lying can come back to haunt you...

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