Friday, February 5, 2010

Mike Pence...Maybe Senator, Maybe President and then the Pelican (208)

I have listened to Mike Pence a congressman from Indiana for years now on WIBC an Indianapolis powerful radio station.  When he was interviewed you could just tell this guy had it together and had this nations best interest at heart.  In 9 years in the house he has risen now to the number 3 man in the House of Representatives on the Republican side of the isle.  I hope you will click on the links and listen to his philosopy on serving the nation.  I think he may run for the Senate this fall but not sure I want him too...Evan Bayh is still a popular man in Indiana...He has challanged Obama's policies on many occassions and that just may get him re-elected this fall, we will see..So not so sure I want Pence to challange him and then maybe loose...I would sooner see Pence stay in the House seat and win with a huge majority this fall and be setting in a position of maybe being a strong candidate for President in 2012....He would be a strong President for getting our fiscal house back on a track of less debt and lower spending which would sure make a lot of sence following the run away train of "Everything for Everybody" that we have seen attempted this past year since "the occupant" of the White House was sworn in....It looks as though the run away train may be slowing up as it proceeds up grade now since the people of Massachuttes spoke out...Those great people of that state finally seen the light and by thier votes applied the brake to the democrats careless ways.

So I guess I am proud of this man Mike Pense, proud of his ethics, his convictions and his commitments to stand his ground and just see how far this all takes him...I met another ground stander yesterday with the picture to the right here.  The little fella did not allow the sign to not feed the Pelicans in anyway keep him from giving it his all...When it came my turn to clean fish I stepped up there and he moved in even closer placing the end of his beak against my blue jeans...Worried me a bit but he never bit me but he did stand his ground and I surely would have liked to have given him the remains of the fish I cleaned...But a game warden who had just checked our fish was still in the area and sure would have enforced the sign that was posted.  But for sure this was the bravest Pelican I have ever seen in Florida and the only one with the back bone to stand there and at least let you know, he sure would like some fish....I know why they have the sign though as if the feeding was allowed then there would be 20 Pelicans standing close by or even setting on the fish cleaning table...But like Congressman Pence this Pelican was saying I got a right to be here and someday it may all pay off...Till then he at least meets a lot of good fisherman.....

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