Saturday, January 23, 2010

Moving back towards a Republic with "some" Democracy. (204)

This nation did start as a Republic, a government of laws, a centralized government, mainly responsible for the nations security and our founders did fear that it would become eventually "too" democratic and fall into disarray.
Our pledge of allegiance bears that out, We pledge allegiance to the US and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation , under God etc........

We soon became more and more a democracy and that is not all bad if held within reason and not taken to extremes which is what has almost happened here with extreme spending issues that we have seen proposed of late and almost put into law.  When I say I would like to see us move back more to a Republic I am not naive enough to think we could actually get there.  I agree with a lot of what democracy is about, but I surely don't agree with it having become overpowering to the point of bankrupting the nation...We should all fear this as we are close to this point of falling off the cliff...So much so that the voters in almost totally democratic Massachuttes sent a Republican to the Senate this week...I think it was the shot heard around the world that the people have seen the light that we have gone to far with liberal careless spending...

I have seen it in my life time over and over again that the government we have evolved to thinking there is no end to what they can magically do for the people but at the peoples expense of course...I know we can not go all the way back to our early days Republic form of government, we have evolved too far to have that happen, but we can and should turn the direction of government around and at least sail our ship of state back towards those days of less government and not sail on toward falling off the edge...the earth is flat you know....ha

Kidding aside, the two parties of our government have become intermingled in what they believe and want for our people... It is tough sometimes to tell who is who.....In this last election even when McCain the Republican candidate seen the people admiring the liberal promises of Obama, he instead of warning the people of going to far on something we could not afford, he actually tried to "out lie the liar" so to speak.  His reteric sounded almost the same...So it became a contest of promises we could ill afford and we ended up with what we have..Old adage has it that the first liar does not stand a chance, but in this case he did as it was hard to keep ahead of so many generous promises that just seemed like what  a lot of people wanted....And thus the democrats felt they had a mandate of unlimited promises to fulfill and actually tried to do it....The mistakes they made was to do it at any cost, making deals to some and promising the people in the meantime that it actually could afford this....Luckily some of the people woke up especially in heavily democratic Massachuttes and it has gotten congress' and the Presidents attention...It was becoming obvious when the debt ceiling kept getting raised but at the same time telling us this was actually going to be lower cost...Lincoln said and let us not forget, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time", and that is what they tried to do...Abe was right and Massachuttes reminds us of that.

I hope this 'voters paying attention', continues this fall and that we the voters pay very close attention as to what candidates stand for and ask the right questions of them, and then do our duty and vote for the ones that could maybe bring our ship about and head it back into smoother waters.....The days of saying I don't vote cause they are all crooks needs to end...If they are all crooks then its cause we have not paid attention....


WarVoter said...

I keep waiting for the government to stop the big agricultural give-away.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars to a single farmer from '95 - '06 ... what a welfare program! What if I don’t want my tax dollars subsidizing YOU?
Just think how much health care this could buy!

WarVoter said...

Oops...I guess you didn't get quite that much...

Still a lot of health care!

Happy Hoosier said...

You make a good point WarVoter...but why spend it on healthcare or anything...why raise the debt for any of it...I would and have advocated to eliminate farm subsidies for many years...we should have been promoting ethanol way back when and let the marketplace pay the farmers instead of the government paying them to try to keep commodity prices low...All this stuff should have went bye bye then and still should...way to much governement control health care run by the government would make this look like peanuts....but thanks for posting...

WarVoter said...

I’m glad to read that you are in favor of allowing market forces to shore up agriculture instead of continuing the ag subsidies. USDA subsidies for farms in Tippecanoe County, Indiana totaled $114,017,000 from 1995 through 2006 and Taxpayers sent $13.4 billion in farm subsidies to more than 1.4 million recipients in 2006.

I believe that the government needs to take a look at the stranglehold that the big agri-chemical companies have on agriculture. We need some anti-monopoly breakups here. Have you seen the report available at

Now that health care reform as it’s been proposed in 2009 has hit a roadblock, I hope that both parties in Washington “man up” and pass what they say they can agree on.
• Tort reform; limit “damage” awards AND limit what the attorneys can charge as fees – 30% of a multi-million dollar settlement causes an awful lot of ambulance chasing. If they could get 10 or 15% as a maximum, the lawyers wouldn’t starve but would stop a lot of the nuisance lawsuits and insurance rates would decrease for all.
• Allow interstate competition for insurance companies.
• Allow NO denial of coverage for pre-existing or new conditions. The fact that a family’s “self-insurance” bill can climb to thousands of dollars/month because someone got diagnosed with a major illness is repugnant.
• Allow all insurance premiums to be tax-deductible to the payer. Companies can already deduct their insurance premiums for employees; why can’t the self-insured deduct their payments?
• Allow the self-insured and small businesses to negotiate rates as a ‘group.’
• Negotiate drug costs for all government programs (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)
Other legislation I’d like to see is
• Stop the income tax deduction after the 2nd child; why are we subsidizing overpopulation?
• Make all the “baby daddies” support their children or perform “work release” duties with all their wages going to their illegitimate children.
• Require all parents to attend parenting classes.

Happy Hoosier said...

Thanks for responding...You have some great ideas that I can agree with...I wish our government would have never grown to where we are...and I know we could not end it all quickly that would be a disaster for sure...But I would like to see us head somehow toward smaller government..I think we do need some health care reforms with laws...but not government run, that would just be a new agency that would end up making the ag dept look like small change compared...Slowly say over the next 10 years I would like to see most all subsidies phased out in an orderly but surely way...I never have liked them. I think crop insurance is good but that could be done by private insurance and not governement involvement also...I really do worry that all of this money being spent that we don't have will someday find us bankrupt as a nation...we have to finally start to run our governement in a more prudent way as a business of family has to do...I hope we can get past the two parties waring with each other and the voters will vote by what each candidate has on his mind to save the nation from collapse....Thanks again for your input...with involvement and concerne I think it could happen..