Wednesday, January 20, 2010

America Speaks for "real change" and they mean it....(203)

Don't know about you but I and many others are exhuberant about the elections in Massachusetts....Now I may not have spelled a couple words right here but you probably know what I me hope that maybe this nation will not go down the tube after all...Obama administration had us greased and sliding very close to the swirling drain...the healthcare bill could have been the one that put us on a downward plunge....then came the Senate election to fill the seat of Ted Kennedy....Wow and the people spoke and spoke well to  the liberal democrats headed up by Obama and the congressional leadership...They sent a message and the message was recieved....I hope it will end the chain of nonsense that has been the adgenda of this administration....I really doubt that it will change what they want to do...This community organizer, couple with the likes of Polenski and Reid, the loose cannons directing this madness wants dearly to reorganize our country in a very liberal borderline communistic way...I want them to fail big time...I want our country to move back to a Republic form of government..It will take time and diligence on the part of the voter, but it could happen.....We need much smaller government not larger..we need to dump a lot of what government has grown to be....Gosh they made some really stupid mistakes..buying votes from some Senators, buying the loyality of the labor unions, really dum stuff....enough dum stuff that I think this momentum could send a lot of congressman and senators home to look for work come this fall...I surely hope so..I am excited for sure and recharged with hope for our Nation.

Now off to the right here is the harvest I found today when I arrived on the south 40....not acres but feet in width that  I habitate here in the third phase of my rotation Corn Beans and Naples.....
The Lemon tree is or was loaded but a lot of folk have taken me up on my offer to "hep yo self" to them...I guess there is maybe 25 nice ones left on the tree...The Starfruit tree is my "pet" and I do not make that offer to my buddies...I love those things and the tree last year produced none...this year maybe there are 30 hanging on it and about 6 have dropped to the ground about 6 are dead ripe and will be enjoyed by this writer in days ahead...and the other 20 or so will be watched with care as they ripen...I did give my buddies George and Gladis a couple today but they are special so I had to share...they take me fishin you know into the backwaters that I love...and we fry them suckers and enjoy them with great wines and maybe a nice salad and who knows what else...but it is always a lot of fun and all very good...

Very very good is how this writer feels tonight as I watch CNN twist and turn with this turn of events from the election out east......They actually are asking good hard questions and I surely love watching them eat a big big helping of "crow".....

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