Sunday, March 16, 2008

Everyone Loves a Parade

Especially in Naples Florida and one of their best efforts Is the St. Pat’s Day parade that happened yesterday. Always a parade watcher, yesterday I was in one, and it was so much fun and felt so good. It felt so good because a month ago I joined the Marines again right here in Naples, and was welcomed by this contingent of the Marine Corps League, who are a magnificent cross section of men who has served their nation so galantly. It is a tradition going way back here that the Marines lead the St. Pats Parade, well truthfully we were second behind the Collier County Sherriffs Color Guard. (pic to the right)
Ten of us marched the maybe 2 mile course that was lined on both sides with well wishers clad in a sea of green. In the 5th Ave. area they were maybe 15 deep, and with all the “Semper Fi’s” and the “OOHHRRAA’s”, we got and “thank you for your service”, I tell you it swelled your chest and your heart. We were led by our color guard carrying the Marine and Nations flag and two men with M-1 garand rifles. Followed closed by our own Randy Kington in his motorized wheel chair and then we marchers, by the way a couple times I heard people proclaim “my gosh they are all in step”. In step we were most all of the time thanks to some candence called by our British Royal Marine member Peter Kingsley Thomas.
I never turned around to look, but I think behind us was a float filled with our many men who served in World War two and Korea and Viet Nam but chose to ride this one out. It was a hot day, and they all had spent many a day “marching to the sound of guns” for the cause of freedom, and surely had earned this ride. Also trailing us was our pick up truck with a model of the Marine Flag raising over Iwo Jima. It had a PA sytem playing the Halls of Montizuma at appropriate times. By the way we have several of these guys who were there and saw that happen while watching their buddies hurt and die in that 35 day loss of 7,000 brave Marines. I guess when it gets down to it, that is why we march in Parades to honor those fallen hero’s that answered the call and paid the highest price. We hear the “thanks for your service”, but we know we hear it for them as well. I guess that is the part that sometimes makes the eyes get a little moist.
Also back there was our Commandant Bob Knee driving a BMW German WW TWO motorcycle with side car with some real fire power. This piece of equipment provided by another Marine I have come to respect Homer Helter who owns the Military Mall here at 5510 Shirley Street here in Naples. If ever in Naples don’t even think about it, just go there, you will be amazed at how much stuff can be cramed into 12,000 sq. ft., but yet be displayed so well and most of it is even for sale. I like this guy, he maintains an area inside where veterans can hang out and reminisce and swap the saltiest of sea tales of the soldiers of the sea.
I think that was our presence I hope I have left nothing out. But anyway the pics will give you a flavor of what it was like here as we did what Marines love to do, “impress the ladies fair”.
Ok come back tomorrow when I will feature some of these men who are members of this E.T. Brisson Detachment of the Marine Corps League who I have come to love and respect.
I will close to just again state how dam good it felt to again be digging that left heal into the black top as I heard candance called. It just all comes back rather quickly. I actually expected a boon dock to be applied to my rear as the first 100 yards I did have some trouble snapping out of my “cheap civilian shit” and again becoming a part of the nation’s finest. You see farmer steps are maybe 34 or even 36 inches. Marine marching steps are a precise 30 inches and you have to get it and get it quickly…I did, and then it did feel so dam good to be doing it again. I think adrenaline somehow swells ones chest and maybe your heart with some pride to have been and still a part of this Nations armed forces. I really would have loved to do one more “column right” and went around the 2 miles again but we had our turn and others awaited theirs. It is a huge parade and when we finished and dismissed it was a full hour before the last of the parade left the starting gate.
Thanks for marching and riding along with us….see you tomorrow

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