Thursday, November 19, 2009

Warren Buffet and Me on Taxation (190)

Warren has a bit more money than I, so I think we will talk about his ideals but I do agree with him that the very wealthy have been getting way too big of a slice of the pie for way to many years. On WGN one of my favorite radio stations (AM 720) yesterday was a news item that Mr. Buffet stated that his secretary who he pays $60,000 a year, paid about a 30% tax rate last year. He earning I think it was 51 million paid a rate of 17%. And he just used the legal deducts etc. available to him and the other very rich of the nation. And maybe the reason he voted democratic to try and rectify this injustice. Why would a guy like him blow the whistle on getting to big a slice of pie? Well I think because he is an honest man who loves the American system of free enterprise and knows that the rich are being allowed to get unfairly favored in our system. For what its worth I agree with Mr. Buffet. I was always under the assumption that when you got into the millions that you paid something like 50% tax rate. Well that is probably so if you don't take advantage of what deducts that are available legally to use.

So maybe this Republican is kind of a "hybrid" republican as when it comes to taxes I do believe in paying my share and willingly do so. But I don't like hearing about others that are legally allowed to not pay what they maybe should. This needs fixed for sure. And I know that correcting this will not even come close to balancing the budget of this "budget busting" administations grandure everything for everybody for votes spending....But it is surely a good place to start.

But I do know if I were the "taxations czar" how I would proceed and it would surely balance the budget.

1. In any given year congress would be forced to tax equally for dollars spent. A common sense fix to this nightmare we are in.
2. If this was the case pork barrel spending would end because tax payers would insist on bare essential spending because they would know they would have to pay for it that year and it could not be paid by borrowing and burdening the future generations. And that it would not be paid by just printing additional money and lowering the value of our dollar.

We are I think very close to a breaking point for our nation and I am very concerned that one day maybe not far off we will be a nation of "have nots"....Not just the poor but all of us if the dollar collapses which it could we could go from recession to depression and into chaos in rapid order. It would not be a pretty sight when folks realized they now have nothing. I don't even like to think of chaos is the streets and man turning on each other just for survival but we may not be far from it....gosh I hope I am wrong.

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