Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Fireplace (191)

Today it happened. A fireplace was born right here in this house. Randy Denham told me a few weeks back that Rick Zellers was maybe the best brick mason in Indiana. After today, I think he may just be right. His work is precise and creative. Rick ask me a couple times if I wanted this or wanted it that way. Finally I said, "you know Rick, your the doctor here, you make it look the best you can and I know I will like it...Sure enough I loved the fireplace, it just looks warm and cozy without yet striking a match. I told Rick when it was done that "I knew if I just kept my mouth shut it would turn out great, and it did...Experience and creativity carried the day here. Will wait a couple days for it to "cure" out before starting a fire but I am excited about it. It will offer a great place to watch a fire burn, maybe with a glass of my favorite Brown County Wine, Old Barrel Port and maybe a little cheese and crackers.

Yes they are a bit dirty and messy at times, but for my money there is nothing like watching the glow of a fire place burning and crackling and popping. Never the same twice, always something different, kind of like a sunset I guess. Always the same but always slightly different. And of course the warmth of it all especially on those first few really cold days of winter ahead of us. Maybe the first really good blizzard with snow blowing every which way but Sunday. Yes that is when its the best, cold and lots of blowing snow, that is when you know you did the right thing, installing a messy, dirty fireplace....Yes it was the right thing to do...

OH and one other important fact...I looked up the chimney and if Santa has not put on a lot of pounds he can make it down....Merry Christmas

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