Monday, April 6, 2009

Guest Bath Done Redue going well..(151)

Picture at the right is my guest bath after quite a few hours of hard work. Porcelen Tile hard work, but it is all done now. Been grouted and today I sealed the grout the 'step 4' in Home Depot's training on how to put down a real tile floor.

They hold classes at our local store every Saturday morning at 11.00 and I must commend the people they have working there at Home Depot. They are young and take this business serious and do seem to be able to answer with confidence all of my questions. This first job was 'stressful' to say the least...It kind of had me doubting it would go well....but it did I am well pleased in the results and actually looking forward to my next job a 30 twelve inch tile entry way into the home. I will lay down the hardbacker board on that tomorrow...

I have begun to buy some of the tile now from Aaron at the HomeWorks store here in Lafayette...Also purchased my hardwood flooring from them. They met the prices from Lumber Liquidators in Indianapolis so I was pleased to save the fuel cost and spend my money here in my home town, Lafayette Indiana. Each and every day it seems that I do have my own little "stimulus plan" going on as these remodels are of course not cheap...But doing a lot of the work ourselves, my buddy sweet pea and I are saving money better spent on vacations and shopping...S. P. will like that last one there...

I took several before pictures anticipating maybe doing some before and after stories on this blog as time went on. Lots to do yet waiting on some bids but things are at least for now "going well"....I guess my home is being "Born Again" also....


Anonymous said...

Looks great! There is a great amount of personal satisfaction seeing a job well done in your home too. Ted does most all of our work around the house and I know he feels a little proud to see his handywork around him.

Anonymous said...

Dwayne and I tiled our living room and hallway. We found tile to match the dining area and utility room but had to connect it all. Unbelieveably it came out perfect. After doing that we swore we'd never tile again. When it came time to tile the lanai we had it done. Pricy but the knees still work and I don't think they would have if we had done it.