Monday, March 9, 2009

Market Wedgies and the New Party (145)

I hope you all are starting to get used to the stock market action since the Make Believe Party took over...Man these "wedgies" we have been getting almost daily are starting to affect how my underwear looks on stretch that elastic daily like that and things look a little saggy...I tend to agree however with the markets in its assessment of the new deal stimulus package. Rewarding those most unresponsible, doubling our foriegn aid dollars, throwing our grand kids money into black holes, man I don't know we could be in for a real life nightmare here...

I am thinking about starting a new political party...not sure what to call it just yet. But one that I think the country is obviously ready for...I think it will be kind of easy to win the next election...We will promise whatever we think the people may want. Weather we can do it or not makes no difference, we will just promise it. And whatever is currently happening that is a problem in the least we will be against that and promise change from all of that and see a new day just ahead...I think it is a novel idea, its bound to work....

Seriously, we probably are near a bottom I pray in this nightmare we call reality. Gosh I find myself awakening from dozing off at my laptop, swating at huge "no see'ems and yelling "SELL"...

As a student of the Contrary Opinion we surely will see a bottom soon..The percentage of people who are negative this market has to be in the high 90's...that should do it for no other reason. I sure hope so, I'm running low in underwear..well maybe my Under Armor stock will at least go up....

Hang in there....

1 comment:

Solitary Refinement said...

My simulation stocks are doing pretty bad as well. I am down 18k as of today. I'm enjoying reading your market emails!