Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sarah Palin in Indianapolis

Last Friday evening Sarah Palin came to Indiana...Sweet Pea and I just could not resist, we picked up two tickets and headed over for the event...It was fun, 20,000 of us thought so, and we got some good pictures of this fine lady also...

My democrat freinds think she is some sort of a joke...not sure how that logic works, but that is the way a few portray this lady...For my money to some day watch her do a state of the union message would be pretty exciting I believe...To see her standing there telling about what she wants to do as our first woman President would be awesome...To hear her warn big oil, and lobbiest that the fun and games are over, would be a treat...And to watch a woman president that was pleasing to the eye for me would be a plus...For some I guess the thought of her name not being Hillary just sends them into spasams of some sort...

Indiana has been a red state for about 20 years now but Mr. Obama is spending millions to try and paint us blue...He may get the job done who knows, but for me, I will be casting my vote for Mr. McCain and Mrs. Palin come election day...I am probably maybe "old fashioned" so to speak...In a President I mainly want a good "commander in chief" of our armed forces, not someone promising the world to every one... I think having both arm broken in captivity so many times he can not raise them over his head earns this man the right to be commander in chief...The other guy had not earned anything as far as I can see...he is very talented however, he is a super salesman, and has a keen sense of what the audience wants to hear and that he can deliver, he promises all to everyone....just not sure we can afford "all to everyone" but should he win and the democrats control both houses of congress I guess the show will begin and it should be quite a show....For now I will keep praying that we stay the course in our nations willingness to protect freedom not only here but elsewhere in the world...we are the "cop" for the world...it will not be a pretty world at all, or even a pretty nation should we decide to turn in our badge and leave our "beat" unattended....

Well enough for now in two weeks will know what we will be about for the next four years....

Semper Fi, Jack

PS...just recieved this email and want to add this gosh this is a wonderful idea..

(Whoever wrote this one deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing drugs, while I work. . . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though. . Some thing has to change in this country -- and soon!!!!!!!
I guess we could title that program, 'Urine or You're Out'.

(me again) What makes more sense than that??????


Anonymous said...

Love the drug test idea. It only makes sense...which is exactly why it won't happen. My 26+ years of working for government has convinced me that "If it makes sense they probably won't do it."

Anonymous said...

Hey Jack, Ted had a great "obamanian" idea for halloween. He told our girls, "Girls, you sit home and watch the neighbors trick or treat in the cold and/or rain. Then when they get home, we'll go over and take half of their candy!" Now he and I were just laughing about this in a sad sort of way b/c that's how we see socialism. Then the girls said, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, we want to go get our OWN candy!!!!" And in an innocent sort of way, I think that pretty much sums it up. Most of us WANT to earn our own way. It makes us feel worthy, not helpless. Geez, if a 7 yr old and a 4 yr old can get it, why can't everyone else?
P.S. We went in to Boo at the zoo last night and had to tell the girls, "No politics while we are here!" As we were walking in they were yelling, "NO BAMA, NO BAMA!" because they saw an Obama sign in a yard next to the park.