Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I will be voting again on Nov 2nd (265)

I have never understood people who sometimes do not exercise their right to vote. To me it is a civic duty that we support our governing system by making good choices in those that serve us in public office. I guess I will always think that way, that to do otherwise is showing disrespect for the nation in which we live. I felt that way about military service when I was young also, it just seemed like I owed that to the great nation I was fortunate enough to be born into. I guess I still feel that way, but especially so for voting in every election, primary's and general elections. They are all equally important to the health of our nation.

And I fully understand that one voter staying home refusing to vote probably changes nothing. Their voting that day will not get someone elected that would not have been nor would it not elect someone that could have been elected. That is fully understood but to me it does not lessen the obligation to vote for who you think is the best possible candidate that will improve the government that we all live under. Just as a worker staying home from work does not change to production of our nation very much if any. But what if 100 workers stay home or 1000 workers stay home and not go to work. Then corporately things do start to change. And voting I believe works the same way, if a million people or even 100,000 people say my vote will not change anything, they are wrong, their lack of votes corporately do change things and the will of the people is not carried out. I really believe this and I guess is the reason I have never missed a vote in my life since becoming old enough to vote.

And even though I realize my single vote changes really nothing, I enthusiastically embrace the opportunity each time it presents itself. I feel good having made my choices and supported people who I feel are the best choices to serve us all.

I will try and chose candidates who will be somewhat conservative on spending of the peoples tax money. I like candidates who look at the governments business as they would their own business they could run or would run if they had a business.

I hope congress does come under a major change and I hope if this happens that they will be true to the task and turn government to be responsible. If it happens I will feel good about where we are headed. If it does not I will look to the next election for it to happen. Somehow soon it has to happen as we are headed for a cliff. How high the cliff or how far we could fall, I don't even like to think about nor do I know. I hope all of you are equally concerned and equally excited about doing your duty as citizen of this nation that was great and could be again.

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