Monday, May 24, 2010

First Poppy and Happy Corn Week (236)

They don't last long but they sure are pretty and eye catching...and as I mention below the picture this is a lucky poppy too. You see last year about this time sweet pea made an honest mistake. I do have a few thistle in my flower bed and poppy leaves do look very similar to thistle...So guess what this poppy was plucked out root and all and lying in the lawn...I was sad but hey it was a very honest mistake and she felt really bad about it when I told her I had rescued this poppy from Bennett's dried up late in the season close out sale..It was like an orphan, dried up almost dead and not body wanted it...but I seen a little green on it and the price was cheap so I brought it and another one home. They both lasted for maybe 5 years then a couple years ago the larger one just died. This one held on but not real healthy last year and even less healthy the day we pulled thistle.

But about 3 weeks ago, miracle of miracles, up it pops from the root down deep I guess she did not get all of the root and it was exciting. I immediately gave it a doze of miracle grow, one miracle deserves another I always say, and it has responded well...and today in late May under sunny skies and temps in the 70 and 80's the big green bud exploded into brillance as you can see....It is back....

And the rest of the story of this gorgeous week ahead is that this is the first truly "happy week" for the Indiana Corn Crop. Yes it will be, you see corn absolutely loves 86 degrees. Agronomist tell us that corn just is really really happy when it is at or near 86 degrees....and guess what they are saying all this week in the mid 80's....My corn is just getting its 4th and some the 5th leaf. Wow with these temps and sunshine and plenty of moisture in the ground, you may, you just may "hear" the corn grow...I would say by weeks end I will see maybe the 7th leaf unfurled from the center of the plants. And they like the poppy will be all very very happy and will be most likely shoulder high by the forth of July.....

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