Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Officially "over"......(159)

Well it could not last forever...All good things have to come to an end...It was great while it lasted..we both have agreed "its over"....Yes, today we have offically announced that the 2009 Mushroom season in Indiana is "over"....

Sweet Pea and I spent a good couple hours in our favorite spots saturday and covered at least 4 hard miles I'd guess and we came out "skunked"...We both agreed it's over, we are not going to risk another tick infestation until next April when we will do it all again...Oh my they were delicious this year..we had about four nice "messes" of those delightful delacasies, but like all good and wonderful things, sooner or later it ends.

And probably in the nick of time, as today I decided that at least one 12 acre field will be dry enough to "no till" corn into in the there you will find me on Wyandotte Road next to I-65 along about the 166 mile marker..I will be the guy in the CX90 red tractor pulling an 8 row red corn planter at the blazing speed of 4 miles per hour...and as I proceed over an acre of soil 32,223 seeds of corn will find that they have been deposited in warm moist soil at a depth of exactly 2 inches seed every 6.49 inches in rows 30 inches apart.....There they will spend a little time thinking about life and how they may just want to send a shoot upward into the sunlight and a sprout downward seeking moisture and nutrients...All of that will transpire in the next 5 to 6 days time...

And the weather man says more rain coming through on Wednesday so this is a one day effort I dad used to say, " Well, we didn't get much done today but we will give her hell tomorrow"....and then maybe a little chuckle cause everyone knew my dad gave it hell just about everyday as far as farm work was concerned....

Well that does it for this trip, its getting dark here in the heartland...

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