Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kidney Stones, Colds and Hurricanes (139)

Well I am just finishing up one heck of a cold down here in Florida. So bad that I decided to name it Alvin in keeping with the National Hurricane Reporting where they start with the A's each year and name them something.

Yes Alvin has been with me now for about a week. I have never seen so much "stuff" come from such a normally happy nose..yes that Alvin has been a hurricane in my head, even sending me to bed last night with a headache. Actually I think this may have been my first one in maybe a couple of seasons..Had my flu shot and my pneumonia shot and before I left home even a "shingles" shot, so I should have been good to go but I guess I got a little careless maybe on washing the hands and picked up a cold bug somewhere. I think it is in the last phase I hope at least..I think they say a cold is 3 days coming, 3 days staying and then 3 days hope mine is "going".

Which the naming process I have to tell you my kidney stone story of a few years back. Yes, my wife and I had just paid the price to get into a movie and had just settled down in our seats taking a bite of popcorn, which generates a "second mortgage" as you know...But all of a sudden it was like someone kidney punched me, I told her you know my back hurts so bad I think I will go stand in the back of the theater, you stay here and watch the movie. Well soon I was lying on the floor in the back of the theater but to make a long story short the movie finally ended and she came back and discovered that although I was in emmence pain I was not about to leave that theater without our getting our moneys worth..We started for home but I said lets just go to the hospital instead..thought I would die while the check in processing was needing to be done but finally I was exrayed and they said yes you have a dandy in there and soon he will come out we hope...go home, take meds drink water and pea in this strainer so you will know...Well a couple days later my first born "Albert" did make his presence known with a loud "clunk" into my strainer...there he was, my son, Albert....He is still in a little jar, not real jagged or anything but a nice size grey boy Albert...

So soon it will begin again Hurricane season and they will start with an if its Alvin it could be wet or if it Albert well it could be little rocky...I am being responsible however and trying to limit my "family" size by taking a daily pink pill called Allopurinal....Hopefully Albert will be my "only one"....

I'll do better tomorrow we all have an off day now and then....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, this was certainly entertaining in a "can't look away from the car wreck" sort of a way- I think I know more about your bodily excretions that I ever needed to know! HA!