Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kayaking and Gardening in Indiana (302)

The "raised garden", is alive and well as seen here. Picture taken yesterday, shows how good things are growing in Indiana this year. Nice Spinach bed to the left of the walkway. Radishes to the right side. Broccilli, Culiflower, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Cabage and Peppers all doing fabulous. The Okra is still real small there in front of the two patches of Spinach and radishes..But before you know it those tiny Okra plants will be 5 feet tall and 3 inches in diameter and I will have switched my daily vegetable from Asparagas to Okra...I fix both of them on the grill and never seem to tire of them..Well maybe a little bit but what is one to do when its ready and so fresh and good you just eat it.
Susan and I Kayaked the Wildcat Creek yesterday evening. Floated from one bridge to the next near Dayton Indiana. Susan had a wonderful time as seen in the bottom picture. I had fun but I made some mistakes early out...Probably was in the water all of 30 seconds and got myself lodged against a log jam...Figuring that was not a good place to be with swift water and being in a set in kayak, I used my paddle to push myself away from the jam. I think in doing so I pushed my self over and instantly my kayak filled with water and tipped upside down. I just remember falling out the bottom of it and then coming to the surface thinking man with this water moving pretty fast I need to get a hold of the kayak and the paddle quickly.
The paddle was moving on down stream pretty fast but Susan was ahead of me and was able to capture it for me. I worked my way floating with my thank goodness good Life jacket and the submerged kayak to a sand bar where I was able to drag it out of the water and stand it on end and drain the water. Soon I was back into it and we continued down stream having a good time..With all the rain we have had the creek is a little higher than usual and the water moves pretty fast..Our trip from the Dayton Bridge to the Haggarty Bridge was maybe only 45 minutes including the time we came upon the log across the creek, as seen in the middle picture, and had to carry both kayaks around the jam and then put them back in...

All in all it was great fun, except for turning my kayak into a submarine the first 30 seconds. But that is all part of it, great fun if it is someone else doing it but even a little fun if it is you....Next time I will be used to it and how fast it can happen if you are a novice and don't know what you are doing out there...We plan on using them quite a bit this summer floating various creeks and rivers and lakes and even in the pond...We have 4 of them so we plan on taking other novices with us and have even more fun....

The crops corn and beans are getting a good start on the growing season. The corn is about 15 inches tall with about 7 leaves out, and the soybeans maybe 5 inches and getting their second trifoliate leaf...The rains have been a little too much but farming with water is much better than farming without water. The old adage "rain makes grain", is with us and so far so good...I hope it continues until these crops are made......

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