Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bee's Brains and Blessings (303)

Ran onto this swarm of honey bees the other day while mowing grass. First time I have ever seen a swarm of bees like this ever. I would guess maybe there is at least 10,000 honey bees here hanging on the limb of an apple tree. What are they doing there? Well the expert bee guy I asked about it explained it this way. They have left their hive probably not too far from here and "flew the coop", so to speak. The queen bee has decided to move on maybe to greener pastures. He told me that when she spreads the word that they will be moving soon that all of the bees eat as much honey from the hive as they possibly can..Then she takes off and they all take off after her. But they don't go far as they are full and they get sleepy. So she lands on this limb to take a nap and they all land and swarm around her and take naps too. Looks like they would smother her but I guess not. They were there all day but gone the next day. So who knows where they ended up. He said someone could have gotten a empty hive and placed it under the limp and shook the bees into the hive and they may have been happy with this and stayed or they may have cut out again. Thought it interesting enough to write about as I have in my 69 years and 46 months never seen such a thing...
Moving on to brains,specifically the brain of liberals. I realize this photo is not for real, but it ain't to far from real when you get to looking at it. One of my concerns these days is the amount of money being spent on the large wind mills supposedly to generate electricity for us all. But it is the true cost of these things that bothers me. No one seems to want to do the mathmatics or cost analyst on these specifically how much is the true cost of them and maintaining them verses the value of the power they will generate say in 30 years time...compared to the cost of power say from a coal fired generating plant. Maybe someday I will find out...maybe they are worthwhile but I have my doubts. Government subsidy's are driving these things and maybe that was OK on the first few to get them started but now it is time to stop that and make them stand on their own. Ethanol production as well needs to stand on its own from here on. Farming a lot of things needs to stand on their own as our nation does need to get its financial house in order. People who believe in Global warming and even worst that is our fault have to have these lobes seen above in their brains. They don't care what anything cost or what it's cost will do to our country. It is madness. We are already at a distinct disadvantage to the rest of the world in labor cost. Our jobs have left our shores for cheap labor...Now let us not shoot ourselves in the foot by raising our utility cost by being stupid...While the rest of the world cleanly burns coal and natural gas and produces cheap power...

Now for the Blessings...well for one, God is good, we continue to get rains in the midwest to support the much needed corn, beans and wheat that are in short supply nationwide. We would all suffer if we were to have a crippling drought this year and so far, so good. The big blessing I think we may have coming I discovered watching the Republican Presidential debates the other night. I was so impressed by all seven of the announced candidates to replace the community organizer, currently occupying the oval office. I especially was impressed by Bachman, Romney and Gingrich, but all of them or I should say anyone of them would be a good replacement and for the countries sake cannot come a day to soon. Check out the sign from Georgia to the right of my blog...This statement is pretty much dead on. I think a lot of people voted for Obama because we had never had a black President and it just made them feel good. Ignoring any negative ideas on him and allowing the liberal democrat press to guide them right into the voting booth...

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