Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Republican Convention and Sarah

Or maybe my headline should read "Sarah" and the Republican Convention. In any case I agree with the video on the right side of the page here that this lady is "hot".

She is cute and attractive but what makes her "hot" for me is that she will energize this election and deny the inexperienced "wizard of change" Obama the chance at the White House...Sarah will put John McCain in the oval office, I am pretty sure. She has the right stuff to be his running mate and if need be the President of the Nation. Taking on corruption, big oil, the good ole boy system, firing people, that kind of stuff is refreshing as hell to me....Girl where have you been all our lives...Well we know where you have been in Alaska where the Press seldom goes unless on a fishing trip but you have been preparing to be the spark needed to win this election in November....

I liked the comparison from Fred Thompson last night about how Obama has governed no one and has never sponsered a major bill in congress....He is a wizard of change, but no one knows nor does he what that change would be...We know what we have with McCain and Palin we have seen them in action. We know of their charactors, not so with Obama. With him we are seeing one side of the coin as far as his background. Little is known of his muslim roots from the other side of the family..It is kept very quiet. To me this is huge and should be for this nation...This is serious business, we are at war with these people in the middle east and to even think of setting a President with any kind of links to these roots is propostorous.

Could the country be that naive? A week ago I was starting to wonder, have been praying all summer that we would not be. I think Sarah is maybe the answer to prayers to bring forth excitement and a reason to move away from putting a man with Muslim roots into our office in this time of war...She will do it I do believe. As soon as it was announced sweet pea said that McCain is a smart man. That this lady will energize women voters and Christian voters. I did not know because I was wanting Huckabee to be the VP choice here. But after hearing this lady talk about taking on the establishment and fighting corruption in government which we all know it is full of...Well I will go a little further even than sweet pea and say I think McCain made a "genius" move picking this running mate....he has shook things up good and brought intense excitement into this fray...I look forward to learning more tonight about this lady...The democrats and the press are falling all over themselves to paint her with problems...It will backfire on them big time starting tonight....

Hallalluya.........for after all God is still in charge......

1 comment:

Happy Hoosier said...

Obviously my thoughts and prayers were wrong...the nation bought the lie.