Saturday, September 27, 2008

From Chicken Fat to Paw Paw's

It's always something going on here in Hoosier land...Today sweet pea and I rode our bikes with a definate goal in mind...We headed deep into Sherwood Forest to look for yeal you guessed it "paw paw's".....Why Sherwood Forest you say? Well one thing you learn here in the land of Indian's is you never give away your favorite spots for hunting Mushrooms and surely not Paw Paw's...They are both just too darn good to share..the fruits of the hunt or the location, it's just something you don't do....

One tip on paw paw hunting is look down once in awhile...opposite of mushroom hunting you are always looking down and sometimes tap your head on a low limb. But with paw paws you be lookin up for a sign of the elongated leaf of the paw paw tree..
I have 3 nice gashes in my leg from the first second and third strand of barbed wire, that was where I maybe should have been looking...Rusty wires too, thank goodness for tetinus shots....

But we had fun we came onto a huge patch of paw paw trees large and small...sweet pea would stand under the tree watching where they would land and I would shake the tree hard enough to drop a monkey out of....Down they would come plop plop and we would be on them soon after they hit the ground...we had a pay less brown grocery plastic bag and we almost filled it up with our one hour hunt...nice walk in the woods, lots to see, good exercise and fresh air....Some were actually dead ripe and it has not even come close to frosting yet so my previous statement of pretending to know when they ripen was not so right...They ripen when they dam well want to I guess so some of them went right in the freezer wrapped in newspaper and the rest are lying on the patio table to soak up more sunlight and then they will be eaten an enjoyed for sure....And we will never forget nor never tell the location of the bonaza of a paw paw patch in Indiana....

Gotta Run.......

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