Friday, August 22, 2008

Talkin Energy

In Omaha Nebraska for a Marine Reunion but need to visit our nations energy needs today and hold the Semper Fi's for later maybe...On the way from home I did not get far north and I came to the new wind turbines around Fowler and Earl Park...I was struck by how MAJESTIC they look or at least I think so...Maybe because I am excited about these huge turbines and what they will do for our nation...I agree with Mr. Pickens we need them bad have for years. Did not see any in Illinois the route I took but a few are showing up also in Iowa...Matter of fact the ridge in western Iowa is where they are really popping up it is the continental divide where it is high enought that the water flows to the east or it and to the west of it..So being a high ridge you just know the winds will blow and make us some much needed energy...
Good deal Lucile, bring it on, anything to stop the burning of crude oil to generate electricity...well ok not stop it but lower it a tremendous amount...I called the Tipmont manager Mr. Ritchie a couple years ago and told him I would like to look into wind turbines for my farm and he quickly told me that they would not be buying energy from me...That they were under contract to purchase from a supplier and was not interested...Attitudes like this are changing even a little for Mr. Ritchie but he is still not there...But attitudes do need to change and will we will all see to that...

The top pick is Dan the cattle rancher I met in Manilla Iowa coffee shop and will write about Manilla more later but he interested me a lot when he told me that he was feeding a lot of cattle and feed them cheap with products from the ethanol plant in Denison Iowa. Roger Conrad the owner of the Conrad Hilton I stayed in there in sleepy Manilla Iowa well we followed Dan out to the cattle feed lots and watch them weigh and sort the cattle for an hour maybe...But what really interested me is the by products of our ethanol industry being desired and used up to the benefit of farmers and in turn to the nation...I see now that ethanol production will still produce a lot of diary and beef production..And so a benefit of ethanol usage could in turn be cheap feed and then also cheap beef and diary for the nation...the corn in other words that goes to ethanol just does not drop off the face of the earth...It is utilized and that is all good ...So that is it for now I have to rush but energy for our nation other than making the arabs rich is being addressed it is happening and I say "good on us"....

Off to visit Father Flanigans Boys (and girls) town here today maybe a blog subject some day the list is getting long...Good gosh the boys in the coffed shop, the Marines of 3002 a lot of people are waiting to be patient out there..ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack, I'm not sure what I think about the wind energy yet- but I value your opinion and it gets me to thinkin' about it. Also, I was very interested in the bit about the farmer using by-products from ethanol production to feed his cattle. This is the first time I've ever heard that! Thanks for teaching me something new today- and have fun!
Mary Summers