Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hey Jack is Back....they quite screwing with me...yippee.......

Hey there Y'all Happy Hoosier may be back in print.

Not totally sure till I hit the Publish button here but its looking like they may allow me back to my old blog site.  My last post was almost 2  years ago.  At that time they stopped me from continuing to post on my old blog and insisted that I start a new one..That idea just really did not set well with me as I did not want to lose all the stuff I had posted.  So I have just kind of ignored them until today I out of the blue decided to log in and now on this site I believe I have all my post posts as well...

So maybe they have decided to be nice to me, I don't know but we soon well here.. If not no one will be the wiser I will just delete this and start mowing my lawn like I should be doing now anyway.  I hope its back to normal as I have had some stuff to share that at my age is probably lost now forever and ever....

But I promise you this the next time I get hit with something I think the world should know of I will be on here spilling my guts about it...

OK here we go a little nervous but Publish we will.....

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