Thursday, March 25, 2010

The 2010 Cowrolla...very safe...(222)

They say necessity is the "mother of invention" and I think Toyota has acted exspediantly and responsibly by rolling out their latest new car....This Cowrolla as seen to the right in the picture is not going to have any runaway or braking problems....I look for other companies to follow suite on this before years end...

Corney you say? Well yes, but we needed a chuckle and relief from the current day to day news stories...My buddy Jim sent this my way an hour ago so blame him if you think its a little on the lame side...

How about those Butler Bull dogs...beating Syracuse tonight and taking them into the final 8????? Gosh I hope they win again this week end and could finish in the final Four...Would be so cool for them to play right at home in Indianapolis next week....the hometown Cinderella....Go Butler

Spring has sprung for sure here in Indiana, today a Fed Ex truck dropped off three Persimmon trees and 3 exotic grape vines to be planted. Just what I probably did not need but remember how excited I get about persimmon pudding? You betcha and that's just about wild persimmons...Hold the phone when and if I ever get any big fancy Japanese varieties...One is even called Chocolate, man now that will be some kind of persimmon pudding for sure.

The grapes, well they will be fun never heard of any of these varieties so it will be fun to nurse them along and see what they look like and taste like a few years down the road....You would think with over 400 trees I have planted here that one would call it enough, but I guess not, always room for something new....

It's bed time in Hoosierland.....

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