Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sgt. Lucas Cole Home from Iraq (117)

Yes it is true, he is home and looking good...My grandson marched into the hangar where we gathered and spent an hour plus with his family before being bused to Camp Atterbury for debreifing and check ups.....

Lucas Cole has spent the last 10 months in Iraq serving his country...thank you Lucas, you did good....the Indiana unit suffered three casualties which I am so thankful that it was only three...it could have been a lot worse but can not help but honor here and suffer with these families as they experience the homecoming of the unit each day when these planes arrive...Knowing of the terrible loss that they sustained this past year....and reminded of daily as these flights arrive in Indy and are covered by the TV stations...God Bless and Keep them for this terrible loss...

Welcome home to the Thousands of Hoosiers who served so well these past months...

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