Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Royal Wedding (296)

I can not believe I am doing a blog story on the Royal Wedding last Saturday...But I am and I am because I did indeed wake up at 4 am to watch it. And the reason I am doing a story about it is this. It was a very Christian wedding...I loved it and was truly impressed with the mention several times during the ceremony of "Jesus Christ"...

Now I have watched many of the reruns or recaps of the wedding...All of those mentions have been "cut out" like they never ever happened...is that strange or what??

The part that made it so Christian, so special in the eyes of Christians is cut completely out during the recaps...Yes that is very very strange...I think anyway...

Why is that I wonder? Well the world does not feel it important I guess...

I did love the precision in which it all went off from the different arrival times of the participants to the precise arrival of the bride at exactly 11 am....they had it down for sure...

I loved the wedding watched every bit of it...I think I like the Britts and the way they do things...long life the Queen... but in case she does not there is Charles and then there is William....and so there will be little William I predict....

See ya


Anonymous said...

I loved the wedding also. Quite the fairy tale wedding with a happy ending like all good fairy tales. I do think they could have told us where they were going on their honeymoon. It is nice to watch something positive and happy on TV.

Sheryl Polley said...

It's nice to know I'm not the only person who enjoys the Royal Weddings. I didn't watch any recaps, now after reading your blog, I'm thankful I didn't.. Sad world we live in at many many times.