Probably nothing could be more boring than a snap shot view of last nights Super Bowl, than one done by a "Fair Weather" fan....But dat is just da way it gonna be here today.....
This may be the first time I ever watched both the commercials and da game totally...and I guess the reason I did is I really did want both teams to win, so I was at peace all through the game dat it would happen and dat probably sometime in da second half, warm in my bed I would as usual maybe "bore out" for lack of a better term and fall off to sleep, finding out in da morning who dat winner was....
When I heard early on in the broadcast dat the Saints had practiced "hard" all week long, I did figure dat was probably it for the Colts, who maybe had taken it a little easy, to save themselves for the game... My thoughts were dat maybe Drew the "little david" here, had carefully selected his rocks and was about to slay da giant being the mighty "Colts"....The colts looked good early on, but I think little david and his troops, did then sense that maybe some real good effort could take dat giant down....
And maybe just Drew on his own would not have pulled it off, but the whole team had their hearts in this game. Dat kicker, wow he had 9 of the 16 points at one point...but the hard work of all, had gotten them to within range, and his slingshot foot put three long rocks dead on da target....
The second half, well dat 'onside kick' was a game changer for sure, and Peyton Manning had a somewhat worried look from then on...the interception dat went all da way downtown, was I think the nail in da coffin...It was an exciting game and no doubt about it da team that wanted it da most, won dat game.....
They are the Super Bowl champs and I wish both teams could have won, but dat don't happen, so dat is just the way it is....Great night for Purdue University with Len Dawson carrying the trophy onto the field and then Brees carrying it off, both good Boilermakers.....
Well dat's it, this boring commentary is over....have a good one....boilerup!!!!!!
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