Not often does watching the 5 o'clock news make "my day" to the tune of pouring myself another glass of wine...Today was one of those.
Just watched the Israel Prime minister stand before our congress and state in his speech that Isreal would surely not be returning to the boundries that were there before the 1967 war....Benjamin Netanyahu I think is the spelling is one of my favorite people...He is a very intelligent no nonsense type of guy and he today, "slapped our President Obama, "the empty suit" silly....How did he slap him silly, well let me tell you..He made his declaration not really caring how congress would react...But our congress got on its feet and gave the guy a standing ovation...that my friends is equivilant to the Prime Minister of Isreal and the Congress all rejecting this nonsense statement from Obama and slapping him "silly" made my day...
Maybe, just maybe there is hope for our nation yet after all....
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