Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Social Security headed for trouble (300)

Someone sent me this picture to the right side here of a Social Security Office somewhere. The troubling thing about it is their is few older Social Security aged people in the waiting room. I know for a fact this is the case all over the country and it is kind of a shame that it has evolved to this. I have visited both the office here in Lafayette In. and in Naples Florida..Maybe a couple times each and each and every time I have to look pretty hard to find someone in there that is of my age. It is full of people trying to declare themselves worthy to collect social security for the rest of their lives. So there we are we are indeed "in trouble" on this for sure.

It has nothing to do with the pretty heavy rains passing through the midwest today and tomorrow, but I purchased a couple Kayak's today. One from Sam's Club and one from Dick's Sporting goods....we think they could be a lot of fun this summer both on the pond and maybe floating the wildcat creek when time allows. We enjoyed the Kayak event we did in Naples a couple months ago so anxious to get out there and try those things out. Well it is bedtime and short post are better than none at all so maybe the next post will see us trying out the new toys....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama "slapped silly today"....(299)

Not often does watching the 5 o'clock news make "my day" to the tune of pouring myself another glass of wine...Today was one of those.

Just watched the Israel Prime minister stand before our congress and state in his speech that Isreal would surely not be returning to the boundries that were there before the 1967 war....Benjamin Netanyahu I think is the spelling is one of my favorite people...He is a very intelligent no nonsense type of guy and he today, "slapped our President Obama, "the empty suit" silly....How did he slap him silly, well let me tell you..He made his declaration not really caring how congress would react...But our congress got on its feet and gave the guy a standing ovation...that my friends is equivilant to the Prime Minister of Isreal and the Congress all rejecting this nonsense statement from Obama and slapping him "silly" made my day...

Maybe, just maybe there is hope for our nation yet after all....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Triplets Plaspohl Graduate from College (298)

The three ladies pictured here are my Granddaughters Abby, Elizabeth and Lilly. Saturday they all three graduated from College, Lilly and Elizabeth from Purdue University and Abby from Butler University. There parents seen in below picture have to be mighty proud to have put 3 through college for 5 years each in today's economy. A job well done I must say. Look out world here they come....ha Off to the right here I have added a picasa of shots I have taken lately and back a few years maybe.
Lilly is no longer a Plaspohl she is a Capecci now marrying Ryan almost two years back. Ryan graduated from Purdue and is now a practicing nurse here in Lafayette. Abby is engaged and will be married in June I think to Bryan Livingston seen in a pic here in front of Hickle Fieldhouse taken last Saturday. Bryan graduated last year from Butler and is now a med student at Indiana University. Elizabeth is still in the running you might say so I added a picture of her from her running days in high school...My daughter Sharla, her hubby Jeff and Susan and I attended Abby ceremony saturday at Butler. Elizabeth and Lilly choose not to attend the walk on graduations at Purdue. We were all kind of glad of that as for one thing it would have been a logistics problem but also, "man those things are kind of drawn out and one gets really sleepy trying to keep up with it all. I nodded off quite a few times myself and I think I may have caught the dad Jeffrey doing the same a time or two...
Pictured above is the grandpa about the end of the graduation ceremony, getting a little bored, but still enjoying and glad he came, and ready to move onto "Champs" for lunch.....
Sunday they had a great reception party in my pole barn. They had it all fixed up real nice as they had worked on it Friday. Great food for everyone who attended..We all had a good time and now they are off to a great start and looking ahead to the rest of their lives...I know they will do good, all three of them...and the parents also, after recouping from this endeavor....Congrats to all of you....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Corn in the Ground....(297)

May 11, 2011
The corn is in the ground as of about an hour ago....90 acres is all I do and I am glad that it is done...according to Purdue the yield should be "normal" getting it done by May 10...that is close enough for me ....

It went in a little on the "wet" side but what is one to do with the weather man calling for more rain in the forecast....I think it will be OK, I hope so for sure...

Now onto spraying the ground to plant soybeans in the morning and then wait for that ground to get 'right for planting'....maybe tomorrow maybe next week we will see...

Spraying consist of round up and other chemicals to keep weeds out of the beans all year long...including trees even that seem to like to pop up on "no till" ground from time to time...Cottinwood is the tree that I see a lot on a ground that was not farmed last year...about two acres where a house was going to be built and then was not...

Ok got to run hamburgers on the grill tonight and a nice manhatten to celebrate.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Royal Wedding (296)

I can not believe I am doing a blog story on the Royal Wedding last Saturday...But I am and I am because I did indeed wake up at 4 am to watch it. And the reason I am doing a story about it is this. It was a very Christian wedding...I loved it and was truly impressed with the mention several times during the ceremony of "Jesus Christ"...

Now I have watched many of the reruns or recaps of the wedding...All of those mentions have been "cut out" like they never ever that strange or what??

The part that made it so Christian, so special in the eyes of Christians is cut completely out during the recaps...Yes that is very very strange...I think anyway...

Why is that I wonder? Well the world does not feel it important I guess...

I did love the precision in which it all went off from the different arrival times of the participants to the precise arrival of the bride at exactly 11 am....they had it down for sure...

I loved the wedding watched every bit of it...I think I like the Britts and the way they do things...long life the Queen... but in case she does not there is Charles and then there is William....and so there will be little William I predict....

See ya

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Ladin is out of here.....(295)

The mighty arm of Uncle Sam delivered justice yesterday to Osama Bin Ladin in Pakistan.
It is a great day of celebration for our nation. My son in law, Todd Stair called last night at 11 and told me I may want to watch the news..I was so asleep I was confused and thought he meant we had killed Omar Kadafi in Libya and told him I did not think I would get woke up just for that...Then as I lay there trying to go back to sleep it dawned on me what he had said the we had killed Osama, the Hitler of our time, so I turned it on for a bit to make sure it was true and then went back to sleep...I slept well, knowing this man that had really started this wave of terror wars had been delivered the justice that he deserved. These Navy Seals are so good at what they do, am so proud of them and also their commanders decision to take his body back with them so they could not make a memorial out of his burial site. And to bury the guy at sea and wipe him off the face of the earth was also very smart...

This morning I watched some reporting of the event on Fox and they interviewed Mr. Beamer who was the father of the guy who is credited of stopping the flight that was headed to DC and crashed the plane in Pennsyvania. He was great, I loved what he had to say about the event and what lies ahead for us...I agree that we did good, but by doing so more attacks may come from these nut jobs who embrace terror. But that we must be vigilant and be prepared to serve them justice as well when it happens. We do live in a great county in spite of ourselves....

I switched over to CNN as I like to do when major events like this happens just to see how they assess the situation and how they report it to the public...Currently they just had a guest who wondered if burial at sea was proper for Osama since Islam prefers to buried in the ground? And the reporter joined in questioning whether proper Islamic prayers and rituals were offered for him before he was buried? I shook my head, but continue to watch as they work their way through how great a deed this nation has just pulled off...They can not help themselves it seems, they are committed to always looking at the dark underneath side of things. It blows my mind that anyone would watch such a network...I think soon I will switch back to Fox and other networks that report things from the positive side of the street....

It is a great day for America....