Sunday, June 30, 2013

355 June is leaving soon very soon......

Well just a few minutes to go before June 13 is over I have got to say a few works real quick here because I am sorry to say I found nothing exciting I guess to write about this month.  But I did snap this pic of 4 Paw Paw's on my tree a couple days back.  I have never seen paw paws look so good so quickly and I have never seen four of them in one bunch.  Indiana Banana's are going to be very robust and healthy I think this year.  My trees are pretty loaded and I will keep an eye on them now the rest of the year so as to get them before my buddies the coon's find them...Last year I beat them to the paw paws so sure they will be watching also this year.
And on the left my daily fare of strawberries....they are larger than normal and very sweet...I absolutely love to make the old fashioned shortcake like my mom used to sure is good with the berries for sure.

I went to the Dayton Church Fireworks and fun time tonight in Dayton.  The food was excellet.  I is a good event and shows the church cares for its peoples good times as well as is Patriotic

Well getting sleepy and clock about to strike midnight so must go if this is to be my June posting....

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