Monday, December 17, 2012

349 Christmas is the best of times.....

I will soon be dreaming of a White Christmas thanks to all the wonderment seen here...A roaring fire, a well stocked firewood cart a gift from Sharla and Jeffrey and this new leather recliner a gift from my gal Susan...yes I heard bells this morning and it was the door not sleigh bells as I first envisioned. But regardless Santa has come early to Wyandotte Road this year, at least at this address.

This chair looks like the makings of some great TV watching, fireplace staring, or just taking a nice nap as the fireplace burns and the noise of the TV leads me into dreamland.  Sometimes my dreams are affected a little by what I am hearing. In that case hopefully it is something soothing and not John Wayne telling some Pilgrim that he may just have to blow him away if he don't drop his gun and right now.  But most of the time, I dream good stuff about nonsense that really makes no matter and does not take much matter to dream about it either.

Couple all of this with a good movie on TV or the  newspaper, maybe a glass of my prize bourbon on ice and say Bing Crosby singing his very best version of "White Christmas" and you have the "best of times"....
Oh and even better yet sweet pea curled up on the love seat nearby and then we are definately entering into the Best or Times....Christmas time is a good time of the year..Although sometimes it seems to come a little to often, it really does not.  We do need to be reminded each year the real reason of Christmas...It is rather ironic how the media for the most part likes to play up or dwell on the commercial aspect of the season instead of the Christ childs coming and serving us all...But its up to each of us to sort this out and to know why and how to make it a good event each and every year....Merry Christmas to all.....

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