Wednesday, February 8, 2012

332 The Process is working...Go Santorum

Wow Rick Santorum won all three states in last nights causcus elections. Minnesota, Colorado and Missouri all had Caucus'es last night. I don't even understand and can not explain what that even means...But I am glad to see the election process is working. It will be really interesting now to see if Santorum picks up more financial suppport as we go forward here. I truly do like Rick Santorum. He seems like a real square shooter to me. I think he would make a great President and a great Comannder In Chief for our military....I hope he can pick up a lot of financial support now with these wins in these three states...Who knows Romney may end up with the Nomination or maybe Newt or maybe Santorum...Any of the three would be fine with me....

Looked at a condo today on Marco Island...would love to own something like on the title above and it should come up....

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