Looking back is has been a good year, it is always a good year every year, some are excellent, some are just good. This was one of the good ones. It would be good, but probably less interesting if life was not such a corn maize most of the time. Actually, a corn maize has paths for you to follow and you make decisions and test your skills in getting through it. Life is more interesting than that, as no paths are there. You make your own as you go, giving you a sense of accomplishment or failure by the turns you make. So sometimes it seems best to just take it slow and allow other forces, other circumstance to happen to help you make good twist and turns and hopefully arrive at the satisfaction of accomplishment and not failures.
It would be nice if we could always see over the hill. To know what lies out there ahead of us. But we can not, so facing that we learn as we go. We try and be good people, try not to embarrass ourselves too much and others. We eat our vegetables, we get our proper fiber and if were smart we even put on a coat when its cold outside. We work hard so we can have food and shelter and things. We try and stay healthy, if we get sick we look to others for some help. Help usually is there, and before you know it we are back up running into the corn maize again. Life is funny that way, it just goes on...So tomorrow we say goodbye to 2011 and we welcome in the NEW YEAR.
I look forward to 2012 with Hope and Faith, but at the same time I look with some anticipation of what could happen in the corn maize ahead. It is a rocky world out there today and things are just about as rocky right here in the USA. Not going into what ails us, you know as well as I what I am talking about. Watch the news, multiple sources as they all spin the truth a bit, some more than others. You will figure out which ones with experience. But things are not rosy, we could miss this bullet or we could take it, we just have to see. My advice is take precautions, stock up some non perishable foods, stock up some cash and some coins in a safety box at the bank, just in case. I do have hope with the political wave of alertness and awakeness that is starting to sweep the land. I hope it continues and improves where we are headed. If that happens we won't need the provisions. If it don't they may be good to have.
Happy New Year to all...Proceed with caution but by all means proceed....
And if you click on the title above you will be amazed by the number of corn maizes to you can look at...almost as many as there are lives out there getting through it.
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