I predict future happiness for
Americans if they can prevent the government
from wasting the labors of the people under the
pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson
Why do I not see this on a sign carried by a wall street protestor? I think I know why, because now it is called "social justice", liberalism's way of extracting money from the working class and sharing it with those who want to be taken care of instead.
I tell you this country had better get a grip and soon. This President and some of the slugs in congress have us on a path of destruction. It is like it is their goal for us to crash and burn. I can not believe this is happening and even more I can not believe the American people are not completely up in arms about big government killing this economy. I only hope that 13 months from now I have something to celebrate in this madness coming to an end. But I know there is equal chance that instead because so many are asleep as to what is happening that we will go ahead and complete the job of the destruction of this nation and all that it has stood for.
I surely hope the balance budget ammendment to the constitution will pass soon and the people will have the opportunity to vote on it. That would be a huge measure to our enormous problem of spending far more than we take in. It should have never started, but surely it has to stop.
I wish you all a good Thanksgiving season. I hope it is not among our last and that we will gain our backbone and men like Jefferson will rise to guide us.
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