This Citizen is worried, of what our country will be 5 years from now. I pray for a citizentry that will and must, accept the resposibility that our Constitution provides for us to do. A citizentry that will take the responsibilty, gain the will, to run our nation as it was designed to be. And since our government is a representative one, we the citizens have the right, the responsibility to elect people that will return our nation to a smaller, more responsive, subject to the rule of law form of government.
I pray that we citizen's take back the nation. Our President, Senators and Representatives all are elected at the will of the people and all serve at the people's pleasure. The responsiblity has been given us by our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence.
Our Government has grown like a cancer to a point of gaining beauracracy's that have outgrown the basic needs they were established for. The people became used to more and more regulations and were allowed to supposedly get them at a bargain. Congress loved being Santa Claus for lack of a better terminolgy. And they hid the true cost of all of these things, by printing and deflating the value of our money, and also borrowing money each year. But we all like Christmas 365 days a year right?
I think I liken it to a "group intoxication". Warnings from a few were ignored as we all tasted of the wine. It was so good that we patted our representatives on the back, and sent them back to Washington to do us even more good. And all of these things were good, but the true cost of which was continually hidden from us with printing more money, taking more of our dollars to purchase products and by continued borrowing the difference each year between what was spent and what was brought in through taxation. Thus keeping us intoxicated with services, kept us content.
I pray that we the people will realize it is now "Monday Morning". It is time to sober up, take our freedoms serious that we still have left and work on getting back the ones we have lost. We need to take this job serious of electing men and women who will return our government to what it was designed to be.
That is my prayer....Maybe the God of our founders that instilled this spirit of liberty in them and our founding documents will allow us to return to being the nation of which we began. Instill in Americans that freedom and resposibility of it, must be earned, learned and possessed with no regrets, and surely no guilt.
All peoples of the world have the same opportunity to do the same, let us be a pattern for others to desire, but let us allow them to achieve it, and thus value it, as we must.
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