Tuesday, September 20, 2011

316 What this Citizen is Praying for.

This Citizen is worried, of what our country will be 5 years from now. I pray for a citizentry that will and must, accept the resposibility that our Constitution provides for us to do. A citizentry that will take the responsibilty, gain the will, to run our nation as it was designed to be. And since our government is a representative one, we the citizens have the right, the responsibility to elect people that will return our nation to a smaller, more responsive, subject to the rule of law form of government.

I pray that we citizen's take back the nation. Our President, Senators and Representatives all are elected at the will of the people and all serve at the people's pleasure. The responsiblity has been given us by our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence.

Our Government has grown like a cancer to a point of gaining beauracracy's that have outgrown the basic needs they were established for. The people became used to more and more regulations and were allowed to supposedly get them at a bargain. Congress loved being Santa Claus for lack of a better terminolgy. And they hid the true cost of all of these things, by printing and deflating the value of our money, and also borrowing money each year. But we all like Christmas 365 days a year right?

I think I liken it to a "group intoxication". Warnings from a few were ignored as we all tasted of the wine. It was so good that we patted our representatives on the back, and sent them back to Washington to do us even more good. And all of these things were good, but the true cost of which was continually hidden from us with printing more money, taking more of our dollars to purchase products and by continued borrowing the difference each year between what was spent and what was brought in through taxation. Thus keeping us intoxicated with services, kept us content.

I pray that we the people will realize it is now "Monday Morning". It is time to sober up, take our freedoms serious that we still have left and work on getting back the ones we have lost. We need to take this job serious of electing men and women who will return our government to what it was designed to be.

That is my prayer....Maybe the God of our founders that instilled this spirit of liberty in them and our founding documents will allow us to return to being the nation of which we began. Instill in Americans that freedom and resposibility of it, must be earned, learned and possessed with no regrets, and surely no guilt.

All peoples of the world have the same opportunity to do the same, let us be a pattern for others to desire, but let us allow them to achieve it, and thus value it, as we must.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

315 History Repeats, Jobs without Stimulus and Bird Food

First up today is interesting, reference to the spending in the early 30 that brought on the Great Depression. And what has this liberal administration been doing such taking office? The same thing and not having learned from not creating a single job, wants to do it again.....H-E-L-L-O

In the news today is a report poverty rising in the USA..be sure you click on and watch the video to the right here about Rich man Poor man...

Then comes my little bridge to no where I built this spring. It had started to sag in the middle a bit and as you walked across done a lot of bouncing. Making it feel dangerous and even risky. But believe it or not this bridge that was built without stimulous, creating a single job for a day or two, got updated yesterday, adding a pier in the middle of the bridge, and all was done without a single Federal dollar wasted...You tax payers can breath a sigh of relief...

Notice the water level in the pond is getting pretty low, evidence of the dry hot summer. But allowing a job to be created or saved however you want to look at it by allowing me to get in there and play in the mud....

Lastly today I ask you if you were a pheasant, would you be attracted to this food supply growing next to my native grasses? It is a mix of sorgum and sunflowers.

I hope so, I do so want to walk out someday and see a pheasant fly up out of my food plot and into the cover of the native grasses near by...that will be another really really good day...

One little foot note...my rain lillies have been blooming like crazy the last two days. Weather man said it was not going to rain it would all be south of Indy...guess what? Its raining really nice right now...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

314 This was a good day........

Today was a good day alright. Last night I got a call from a Marine friend from Boot Camp 1956...If you have forgotten that is when I was at war...You see I was only in one war and it was right here in the USA in San Diego California...Yep it happened in the summer of 1956 and it was Me against the Marine Corps..it wore on all summer long, June then July and then August and finally the war ended...The Marine Corps won and I became one of them...

But back to this good day, got this call last night from Chuck and Lois Paulson of Mitchell South Dakota..they were passing through today on their way to South Carolina and some beach time. Said maybe we will just stop and see your place...Well as you know I organized a couple reunions for the guys in our platoon in 06 and then again last year...Anyway Chuck and Lois have always come but Chuck always ask each year about Bob Bandy of Mulberry whom I graduated with and enlisted in the Marines with...Bob, I just could not get motivated to attend these reunions but this am I got to thinking, hey there is a nice restaurant in Mulberry just 2 blocks from Bob's house, "The South Fork" owned by Scott Roberts...If only, so I called him and by golly he agreed to come up there at noon and surprise Chuck and Lois...it was great we arrived just ahead of Bob and in he pops and it was fun watching them get reacquainted after 55 years..Actually both of them have changed very little in the face...We did lunch said our good byes and encouraged Bob and Barb to maybe attend next years 56th anniversary reunion in Branson Mo....I hope they will but sure the Paulson's and us will be there and hopefully lots of our guys that have been unable or unwilling to come to the other reunions in the past...this will be our 4th time, we do it every other year...First San Diego where it all began...then Omaha, then Wash. DC and next year Branson....it was a good day.

Left to Right in picture...Bob Bandy, Chuck Paulson and Jack Lahrman Photo by Lois.

Update on that cancer to the right side...Yesterday they cut pretty deep into it to get the rest of the cancer and I now am sporting about 5 stitches for a couple weeks. Hopefully that is the end of that one....semper fi....