Today it looks as though at least temporarily we will come to an agreement to "kick the can down the road" by raising the debt limit and agreeing to cut some spending. And agree to further study more ways of also decreasing our spending.
There are a few good hard working politicians in Washington. Contrary to what a lot of people say they are not all crooks and should be kicked out of office. For instance watch this video and since I don't know how to highlight it click on the title above about Saving the Country and it will take you there...
I watched this young Senator get elected last year in Florida...He is Marco Rubio a young man of pretty high intellect I would say. Someday he could be possible President of this country I believe. But listen to what he has to say and I at least gain a sense that he does in deed want to Save our Country. And that he like me is tired of our Media trying to label people. There are other good politicians in DC and there a whole lot of them that possible should be voted out of office...I think the key thing for all of us as citizens is to learn how to recognize the "truth"...And learn how to recognize when we are having our pud pulled so to speak...being lied to is a better term.. Common Sense is a virtue that we all have a dose of...And utilizing it is really not to hard to do...But be truthful to yourself when you listen to political retoric...Does what you are hearing really ring true to you or do you know it has a hidden adgenda in it and you are willing to overlook it because maybe the party of your past choice is grinding that axe????
I surely hope that during this next upcoming election people will listen to the candidates as to what they are for and against. And think about it as to how it relates to the good of our nation. We must get our house in financial order or we will truly sail right off the edge as a nation...I hope a lot more people will start viewing the nations business as their own business...because it is....
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