Thursday, February 24, 2011

Girandoni air rifle as used by Lewis and Clark. (288)

My friend Mike Emmert sent this my way today...and for lack of a better subject it ends up on my blog this week....But if you take the time to click on the link to the right or the title above, and take the time to listen, you too will be amazed by this "air rifle"....

The thing that amazes me is why they are still not making and selling this a air rifle that shoots a 46 calibur ball...what a deer gun it would be and not much noise when it goes off. And credited for making the whole expedition a

Sure would look good hanging over my fireplace as my homeland security weapon don't you think...But it does just amaze me as to why a similar rifle is not being made and sold even to this day...

That all being said, I went to my brother Joe's 80th birthday party today...A nice "stag" only fish fry held in the pole barn...He got several bottles of whiskey, Baylees, Wine and Rum...He is loaded with booze and a few cards to boot...I made note of the ones that brought the most expensive gifts hoping to invite them to my 70th birthday party, someday if I ever decide to have one. I may not, but if I do these two or three guys will be invited for sure...

Went to watch my grandson Caulin wrestle last night for the first time...not his first but my first. Wow he pinned his equal weight 210 pound opponet in a very short time...He is good at that and playing center on the football team...and only in the 8th grade a Wainwright middle school...but I found out that soon there will be a match where the wrestlers go head to head with their dad' I do not want to miss that one, may take the camera...

Well OK it is a slow newsweek here on the prairie mainly just watching the people of the middle east over throw their leadership of the past decades...find it all amazing and will be interesting to see how it all turns out...I would guess some will turn out OK and some not so good and would not even attempt to guess which ones..but those happenings and the Fox News and CNN News coverage just make it all kind of interesting...One being the Republican conservative slant and the other being the Democrat liberal slant...sometimes I just have to laugh how CNN can try and paint a picture that is just totally different than Fox....My view is I find the Fox view points pretty much right on in reality....CNN is where I get my biggest laughs when they like today showed how 58% favored restricting of the union powers in our country and 42% sided with the unions...but then announced that it was pretty much a trade off...even steven.....I had to laugh but I understand truth does not sometimes come easily for them...

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