Thursday, January 20, 2011

Car #2 the first "OLDSMOBILE" (282)

Even though a 4 door sedan I did love this car..After a year in the Plymouth, for a kid 17 it was like well really moving up in the world of automobiles. I had always liked Oldsmobile's and Mercury's. Would have loved to owned both of them and it was a tough call as I thought they were both just great. Probably finding this Old's at Tippecanoe Motors on the levy and not having to pay too much difference did the trick. Oldsmobile for me it was and ended up never owning a Mercury ever, but I sure owned a lot of Oldsmobile's. 53 4 door, 55 2dr. Hardtop, 60 Convertible and then others all the way to my last Old's a 2004 Alero that I traded off a couple years back on my present Chevy, which I enjoy and like a lot also.

But back to my first dream car, even though the 4 doors man I loved this car. I mean look at the beautiful dash board to the right side here they had. I would just set in it and admire it...And the V-8 "rocket" engine and the automatic tranny vs the old 6 cyl Plymouth manual, I was in heaven....In this picture of the 53 Old's and I, in the back ground is the same garage as the first pic of my Plymouth and also in the back ground is my Dad's 55 Plymouth he owned for many years. I think I was ready to go to the Senior Prom at Monticello Indiana at the Sportsman Club...Not real keen on these social events as to what they entailed I look a bit nervous here I think...Actually I have inside info here, I was a bit nervous, not sure why I guess you can take the boy off the farm but not the farm out of the boy maybe....I don't know, it all turned out well, as vice president of the class I read the class will they called it and not a public speaking whiz, I guess I was nervous about that job...It all went well and I enjoyed it all...and the great Oldsmobile seen here was turquoise and white and drove like a dream all the way to Monticello and back home did not stay out all night back then, maybe till 2 am not sure...Anyway this car as is the wish of all of my first 3 Oldsmobile's, I still dream about and wish somehow I could still own all three of them. Amazing how a young person can become so attached to a thing like a car....

This car was in the garage when I joined the Marines in May of 1956. I did not know what I wanted to do with it. I wished now I had drove it back to California but I figured I really did not need it and it would then "drain" all of my meager Marine pay and I would not save anything for the future...So I finally asked my parents to try and sell it for me. They had a part time car dealer pick it up to try and sell. I think his name was Brauts near Monitor. It went on for months with no sale and they finally went over there and picked it up. He had been using it to haul chickens to town to sell in the truck and it was a mess...Mom cleaned it up and they did finally sell it...

Have no recall as to what it brought, just wish I still owned it. I do still have many a dream about owning this was my first dream car....I had worked very hard for two different farmers named "Blair" for three summers but spent every last cent on cars....

Picture to the right here is close to my color or turquoise with a white top...Not doubt about the 50's being a golden era for automobiles in the USA.

Next post, Getting discharged from the Marines and buying, yeal you guessed it, another Old's......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that Olds and your parent's 55 plymouth. Looking forward to the next installlment. I'll send you an email about mt first car, a model A.