Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Desilting the pond (270)

This is the finished product, I like it and I know the fish are going to like it even better...This picture taken from the new this year, "bridge to nowhere", but as usual I forgot to take a before picture of all the silt in the pond. When I built the pond in 1995 it was just an open field, I harvested the wheat in July and immediately went to work on digging out the pond. That fall we had a lot of rain and I had not established any grass around the perimeter yet. So it washed into the pond to the tune of about 8 to 10 inches deep..It made me sick that it happened, but nothing I could do.
I got grass established the next spring and no more came in after that but the damage was done. But this current drought that has lowered to pond about 4 feet has exposed this silt maybe 25 feet in some places from the bank. It was time for action and action happened here the last two days and friends of mine who own a small excavator came to my rescue, after I agreed to pay them of course.....

They did an excellent job of it. It was money well spent and now I am happy and I know next spring the fish will be glad to see the clay bottom instead of the silt, yucky, mushy stinky black silt that had washed into the pond from field run off....they have a small dump truck the one ton variety but we were able to remove 80 loads of this stuff and place it places where it will not come back into the pond, ever again...We probably in some areas removed 8 inches of the stuff and other areas maybe only 4 but it is great to see a red clay bottom in most areas around the perimeter of the pond. The center of the pond, the deeper water probably has silt also but there is no way I will ever be able to remove it, but what the drought has offered me in the way of opportunity, I took it and, well let me say, Mr. Opportunity, thanks for knocking...............

My contractor "Excavations Plus", Chris Brown and Randy Denham...good folk...

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