Our Platoon started training in June of 1956, that is 62 years ago.. We had a 50 year reunion in San Diego the scene of our adventure in 2006...We had another reunion in Quantico Va. on or about 2008 maybe..Another one in Branson Mo. about 2010. Another one in Omaha Neb. maybe 2012...The years maybe reversed to much water under the bridge and I don't take notes...But we were back in San Diego again in 2016 for our 60 year reunion...
So here it is 2018 our numbers keep getting smaller as we get into higher numbers of age... So at about 80 which I will be the last day of this reunion to maybe 83 for some of our guys I am guessing this could be the last roundup for Platoon 3002 and honor platoon of our series by the way that graced the halls of San Diego's MCRD from June 1 to Sept 6, 1956.
The reunion is set for Aug 23-25 right here in Lafayette Indiana.. One day we will visit the Tippecanoe Battle field where Gen Harrison put a whoopin on our native Americans also in the town of Battle Ground is the boyhood home of Marine General David Shoup. Gen Shoup became the Commandant of the Marines in 1960 to 1963...